Considering that whatever treatment you decide for your hip will likely involve some foreign, artificial element, what is the meaning of this?* Is it related to our planetary trajectory?β
The Seer:
The message from such a procedure is that AI is not all bad because it will be needed to save the planet. If a meteor strike causes a global axis tilt, for instance, all nuclear plants will be knocked down and, like the present Japanese meltdown, be too hot to handle and turn off. AI will need to go in and defuse these Earth-poisoning situations. The only problem is that the insane leadership of countries are more interested in creating AI weapons, than have them help clean up the planetary pollution of all sorts. How can the Sacred Government by proxy solve his?
Determine what your shortcomings are by watching the origins of your actions and decisions: are they based on fear or insecurity or resentment? Two big areas to watch for is to find out where you have self-pity or self-importance. Toltec mystics teach that your character flaws are the disguises of your greatest strong suits. As a godbeing, turning a flaw into a strong suit is the way to turn the AI development into a helpful tool.
How to Turn a Flaw Into a Strong Suit
The Seer:
An example of how to turn a flaw into a strong suit from my own life. First of all, one needs to be aware of your flaw and when it determines ones choices. In my case, I tolerate the rudeness of others towards me far too regularly, because I can so clearly see why they are trying to reduce me and assert themself. That floods me with pity rather than intolerance. I have just recently determined that I don’t want to surround myself with rude and demeaning people; that the deep peace I feel by myself, should be safeguarded and not replaced by others’ ego-driven obnoxious behavior.
Observing my flawed tolerance of others’ disrespect towards me, I would turn it into my strong suit: carefully choosing my confrontations based on whether the stakes are worth it. This is done by cultivating an eternal perspective. This is how:
Ask yourself whether a confrontation is over something that will still matter even a year from now. If not, let it go. If, however, there are regular bouts of rudeness from another, be ruthless in avoiding their company. It is your responsibility to protect the holy sanctuary of your being against disrespect.
In this way you have turned your flaw into the ability to conserve energy by choosing your battles wisely and you have fostered an eternal perspective.
The spiritual meaning of the lack of connective tissue and the subsequent pain, ties in with my character flaw I’ve described in the previous post: in protecting myself by avoiding rude and obnoxious people, I need to remember that the more light-filled one is, the more sensitive you are to hostility. If one does not have the protective emotions (connective tissue) of rage or sadness; the density of others’ injurious intent, is more acutely and abrasively felt (bone on bone). In taking care of oneself, it is important to take additional care to ensure that the hostility of others are kept at a distance. Protect the feelings of your innocent little Inner Child.
The Seer
- See: Always Living Her Highest Truth and A Temporary Inconvenience
- See: The Original Ones’ Sign to Evacuate, The Two Volcanic Sisters and Will the Fifth Wave of Humanity Fail?
I always felt there is positives to ai – thanks to this message I now know how to neutralise the dangers. I knew we could not avoid the ai as it is already everywhere. I notice this type of shortsightedness in so many spiritual communities and it is just not the whole truth. Grateful for this message.
Rogier was very disrespectful to me more than once and didn’t do anything about it to set things straight, he thinks it’s not necessary because he’s becoming a godbeing and a godbeing can not make mistakes. Now I have pain all over my body. what is the meaning of that? Does somebody send me blessings? Are there any blessings left since you people always send them to one person? Are you maybe worshipping somebody? Sheeple …
Read the June 12 post: those who constantly bitch and moan, complain and undermine the energy, can take their “free speech” elsewhere.
Oh dearest, thank you for sharing your keen insights with us and this character flaw you describe so clearly. May it serve to heal you to completion. Fully restoring your hips.
May the Angel Gods protect you and heal your full body and self into wholeness.
Deep gratitude for this post. It helped me so much.
Very enlightening, thank you. I have connective tissue disease and I see how my people pleasing has caused me to endure others emotional responses and even lack there of.
Dear Almine…
Thank You for the clarity re. A.I.
I am a little horrified that this has happened to your hip because of ill intent that was around or directed at you….
I have much gratitude you shared this post and I thank you so much.
It has given Me deeper insight to work and private life.
My deep Gratitude Love Praise Reverence and Respect Always
I Love You
Hmm. I have been told that my current flaw is that I DONT allow others to disrespect me and the hostility I get from others when I defend myself has been my burden to bear. This will be my final battle with a petty tyrant!
That belief is the flaw! My refusal to be controlled in terms of the intensity of my responses is a mirror of those in my environment that wish to control me. THAT is where I need to focus my attention, and an ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE is the correct perspective! To step out of the mirrors and be at the Centre.
When those I am keeping a distance from are now actively breaching this distance as a tool of offence I guess it is time to act – with self-sovereignty, impeccability and strength.
Hopefully, this will bring me closer to understanding the root cause of petty tyrants and eliminating the need for them in my life FOREVER…..enough with the tests!!!
Thank You Beloved, for sharing this with Us so that we too can learn these lessons and overcome these deeper illusions for the benefit of all Life.
I Love You
Interesting. I’m taking a dog grooming course right now and my instructor is rather juvenile and hostile toward humans. It doesn’t make me feel confident or calm with the dogs so I try to tap into my own calm and confidence…wish me luck yall. π I appreciate you in ways I can not articulate on this platform. I love you. Thank you for your role and beingness in all 12 realities. I love you. I love you. I love you and am so grateful for your existence
This is a haaarrd thing to do when interacting with other people Ive noticed. Often I feel as though I struggle with consistency because I find the sensitivity that allows me to feel such compassion and love for others is also just as sensitive to disruptions or upsetting occurances. I do have so many flaws Ive been trying to adjust lately though, Ive been quite determined, and this was a very helpful example! Thank you!