The dysfunctional Inner Child is needy and seeks a caretaker in others, rather than developing self-sufficiency. Continue reading →
Inner Child
The Throne of Self-Sovereignty
A powersigil will come when the time is right to remove the cloak that obscures the true nature of the wolves among the sheep. Continue reading →
AI Is Not All Bad
The message from such a procedure is that AI is not all bad because it will be needed to save the planet. Continue reading →
Fairies Vs Gremlins (Innocence is the Best Defense)
The fairies have made themselves vulnerable by blaming and feeling very angry at humans for the wanton destruction of the environment. Continue reading →
How Uncomfortable They Are With Truly Being Exceptional
To function from the divine perspective of a godbeing, one has to assume the self-responsibility to follow the innate truth of your being rather than some other person’s dogma. Continue reading →
The Privilege of Building Inner Strength
The generation described as the second generation, is often inclined to substance abuse, because they feel entitled to indulge themselves they way their parents used to indulge them Continue reading →