What is the greatest pitfall of seeking advice from a lightworker?
The Seer:
You mean besides the fact that the one who portrays themself as a wayshower is possibly a human and you’re a godbeing? Well, here’s an answer of a damaging result of taking guidance from another — whether a godbeing or a human:
Telling someone what to do, rather than how to do it (i.e. rather than pointing out some principles involved in your quandary) is the height of arrogance. But it happens too often as lightworkers get lost in self-importance. Statements like, “your next step of spiritual growth is”, etc., is not anything that another could possibly know. Yet too many believe such flawed guidance from another as absolute truth.
Your dream symbols and dreamtime insights are far more accurate than advice from a self-appointed psychic. Trust them and implement their guidance before their guidance turns into painful forced change.
Are there pitfalls for gods, in general, in taking advice (from humans), or is this just in spiritual matters?
The Seer:
In all matters. The two groups have two different perspectives and every individual has an un-knowable, fluidly changing, future destiny.
The Seer
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LOL Too funny!
I find a true listener very helpful. Someone who listens in deep silence makes me hear myself better and it is a good way for me to give myself advice. If nobody is there to listen to me in the way I need it, I sometimes ask the Angelgod of Absolute Truth to just be there to help me understand myself better and I speak out loud what is on my mind. It always brings amazing results.
Semi related – is there a way to dream more? I have a dream like every 2 months at most… I see flashes of the future but those arent really dreams, theyre just like a collage of moments that I hazily barely remember until Im in one of the moments, and then can trace it back to the rough time period I saw it previously. Its hard to recieve guidance through dreams when I barely ever dream 🙁
Can’t imagine someone being Original truly falling for this pitfall. We can always put information in this space of maybe/maybe not. Test it if it works, wether you can verify it, and if so implement it or not.
The big gray area of uncertainty is the only safe place to put unverified information (not coming from Almine). There is no harm to information if you are aware you’re uncertain about it or its source.