A black cat symbolizes black magic, but what does it mean to dream of a black cat (that was mine, or with me) named ‘Magic’?
The Seer:
It means there is an area of your life where you are trying to control outcome; trying to exert your will over how life unfolds.
A follow-up question please. So it’s not really different from the general definition of black cat, right?*
The Seer:
Yes, it is different in that several ‘unusual’ sightings of a black cat, or a black cat behaving very unusually in physical life, could indicate that someone is doing black magic on you — either to control or bind or harm you.
But in the dream you own the black cat — that means you are the one whose conduct is trying to control life. It’s not coming from an external source.
Seer’s Note:
The above explanation, is accurate only to a certain point because all external events are caused by internal attitudes. For instance: if you do not heed the warning in your dream and find and amend the area of your life where you are trying to control the outcome of life unfolding, it will result in an external attack.
The safety and graceful unfolding of a master’s life exists to the same degree as the master’s surrendered trust.
The Seer
- See: Dream Dictionary
Oh very keen insights presented here. I am most grateful!! This is such timely advice!! Thank you!! This confirms a lot for me.