Question From the Seer’s 25-Year Old Daughter:
I dreamt that I was in a college class. The professor told everyone to pull out their Valley Bars and some other snack that supposedly isn’t healthy anymore. He was going to do an experiment for us. The whole experiment was to mimic decomposition. I got one smell of it and immediately went to the back of the class room where I had friends or people I was comfortable with. The natural light outside turned red and I started to panic. I started crying and I told my friends to help me, but they said they couldn’t do anything.

The professor noticed how I reacted and decided to move on to the next activity: dissecting AI robots. They used a scalpel to carve his face and tear the “skin” off, revealing the electronics below. The eyes started to look around frantically until they turned red and stared straight ahead. Another student said this was how the Terminator movies started. (Seer’s note: the reference to Terminator warns that AI will try and terminate humanity.)
I then moved forward with another dream: I was at my work in the funeral home, which was supposed to be a safe place for me and my dog Lucy. I was lying on the couch, close to the front door and it was slightly stormy outside. Lucy was by my head focused on me. Then I got up and saw the front door was open and noticed wet, bare, foot prints. I saw they had come in and stared at me for some time. And had then turned to walk down the hallway and towards the office. I was barely dressed but I grabbed a heavy coat that was lying in the lobby and ran out as fast as I could. I tried to get my dog Lucy to follow me, but she refused. I tried to believe that the intruder would not hurt a dog and ran for it, going around the building, trying to get down the hill. I made it and I collapsed, yelling for help and for someone to call 911. People rushed over to me and asked what had happened. I said there was an intruder up there and I had just barely escaped.
Some men decided not to wait for the police and we started walking up the hill. We made it up to the front door and as I was telling them about the foot prints, I noticed an elderly woman who had been with us the whole time. She had grey hair pulled back, and wore a floral skirt, a white shirt, a small pink sweater, and a pearl necklace. She calmly started talking and pulled out a gun and shot the men I was with. I ran, until I saw a truck coming up the hill and yelled for them. They pulled over and asked what had happened. I told them shots had been fired and men were down up ahead. They nodded and drove off, not providing any help whatsoever. Suddenly there was a rushing river between me and my route of escape, and I could see that even if I made it across, she would see me and shoot at me. Then I saw a cougar downstream. I turned around and noticed lions across the river. I was surrounded and they had noticed me. Either I had to decide to face a pride of lions or one woman with a gun. I chose to get up and face the woman. I yelled at her that there were lions and we were both going to die. I got closer, thinking I could overpower her, but she was too strong. Then I woke up to my alarm.
The Seer:
It’s a very detailed dream, but in a nutshell:
- It is time that you learn what most people don’t know – college class taught by a professor represents higher learning.
- The fact that you had a very specific brand of health food bar mentioned in your dream is telling you not to eat that bar anymore, because it has some type of nanotechnology chip in it that is meant to break down your health by breaking down the immune system. Some other health food does too (because you can’t remember what it was called, you’ll have to learn how to muscle test if something is good or bad for you).
- The red sky is indicating some scary natural disasters (either forest fires or volcanos). Don’t rely on others to advise you or save you. Just go with your instincts and get out of there.
- The very advanced information that your dream is preparing you to learn: although I never thought I would have to warn a child of mine about this, please be aware that before you turn thirty, there will be androids – AI machines posing as humans – walking among humanity. They will pose as harmless, or elderly or infirm, to hide the fact that they are very strong killers, with the intent to harm. Or they will be stunningly beautiful, or super athletes, or in positions of power (government, movie stars, super athletes, or the media). You will know them by how uncomfortable you feel in their presence (a feeling of avoidance).*
- Usual ways of feeling (instincts and attitudes) won’t apply to them, such as self-preservation, or sympathy when asked for help. Don’t choose your mate in the future, with your head – Lucy the dog (dog represents relationship) looked at your head – because then you won’t take evasive action (run away) when you should be scared. Judge your partner’s authenticity by how comfortable you feel around him.
The Seer
- Related: They Created an Android Army
Beautiful..famous. Katy Perry’s glitch…
I actually had an encounter with two A.I. creatures. An older couple who were at the cafe I frequented, and I immedaitely sensed NOTHING. They had NO energetic signature and no life behind their eyes. It was as if they were dead on their feet and something other than a soul was animating their physical bodies.. They were also unaware of how to act. They honed in on me simultaneously – their movements a singular unit – and stood so close I could feel their breath on my face. They informed me that they were waiting for their coffee order. I told them next window over, that this was the “order” window. They didn’t move and did not understand my spoken words. I then felt the pair attempting to “latch” onto my etheric energy body. It did not go down well. I had no choice but to shut them down completely by forcibly turning and telling them “Can you please back up. You’re in my personal space.” At which point they did, again moving as a singular unit with no emotional response whatsoever. They stood there for the duration like zombies…
No-one around me noticed anything out of the ordinary. It was as if they were invisible. They DID however have a coffee order, so they were in fact “seen.”
when i was in college i choose three majors
neurosience, gentics and AI. i ended up dropping neuroscience /gentics because i didnt want to make clones
i ended up completing but droppin AI causerefused to work in the field bevause i didnot wamt to build terminators– from which irecall dreams of world war—3…from when i was 16. and i watched this very age that us upon us… i even recall the day the earth stood still and invasion if the body snatchers—-lets find a solution! i see many!!
Yes. I’m pretty convinced in my intuitive feelings I’ve all ready observed a humanoid machine in my intimate environment.
Dear Vanessa, Almine talked about Android Soldiers in july 2020 she also explained in the post what we can do. I might think these android soldiers are the same as what she describes in this post.
Yes, it seems the dreams some of the Lightfamily are having besides Jaylene are an urgent call to pay attention and like Annita has reminded us of Almine’s message of our dependence on digital tools and the need for wholesomeness.
Thank you Beloved Almine and darling Jaylene for this wake up call.
My deepest gratitude for this post.
Hi Anita,
Thank You yes I recall Almine mentioning this and I am aware of this ❤
I have had djfferent experiences with robots posing as human, on my way to see Almine I had to jump out of a taxi my gut told Me, as the taxi driver was a robot . Everything told Me to get away…Almine confirmed it was the right choice
I choose to believe that this can and will be prevented
Deeply Greatful Thank you for this beloved Almine and Jaylean.
Thankyou Rogier for posting.
Almine, I notice other light family have had nightmares about A.I.
Even in the movies ” XMen” “Days of future past ” theu warn of this problem in that was they assimilated the gifts of those they killed making them unstoppable.
They had to send someone back in time to prevent this from ever happening.
As I work in close proximity with my two employers I could hear the conversation one of them was having with his friend while I worked with my client. The Topic was rugby..they both coach rugby players ,they mentioned a polish player, they said no body could stop him he kept coming blood pouring out of him he would not stop and smiled while doing it.
They said he was like the Terminator, he was like a machine and no one can stop him.
It feels like they may be here already….they have had them in airports
This was very informative.
This is so profound with such far reaching implications. Thank you Jaylene. Your highly specialized dream abilities to for see the future, are greatly appreciated!! Thank you again for these great revelations.