Dearest Mother,
Can you please look into this dream?
I spoke the words, “the folly of man”, upon seeing human hunters, by a lake, that were proud of their whale kills.
The Seer:
The few arrogant ones who wish to control humanity by lowering original thinking, are very proud of the successful results of their agenda to replace intelligent and creative thought with compliance to authority (to accept without questioning).
They also had live whales fenced in. The whales were alive but anxious. I knew they were going to find their way out.
The Seer:
Trailblazers with original thinking in all fields of learning are discredited and ostracized by their peers, as well as punished by the establishment for stepping out of the status quo. But the new wisdom and breakthrough knowledge will find a willing audience as the population (particularly males) become more and more interested in esoteric knowledge and hidden teachings. Men are becoming less compliant and less willing to accept without questioning.
They had a smaller, female light-colored whale who seemed like their leader whom was blind, but due to this physical impairment had extremely advanced wisdom and abilities, and was going to “see” them through the situation and any other situation.
The Seer:
This portion particularly refers to this mystical journey that the Original Ones are on here on Earth. They have deliberately lost their ability to “see” the Hidden Realms (and are regarded as blind by creatures from the Hidden Realms) in exchange for the ability to recognize truth from illusion.
These whales seemed to gather so much knowledge from this instance, that they would then forever be out of the visibility of man and thrive as a hidden species in deep waters.
The Seer:
If the Original Ones remain humble and don’t exploit their superior knowledge and awareness, they will thrive as a “hidden species”. The “deep waters” symbolism, refers to the hidden way in which the sacred government change the circumstances on Earth through proxy magic, while staying incognito.
This is inspiring to hear. And heartening as well.
Thank you, Beloved Almine for the interpretation.
That Is So Beautiful.. Please Let Almine Know That I Am Grateful For Her Wisdom!! Super Awesome..
Thank you Beloved Almine. This answers several questions that have been on my heart. My love and gratitude to you always. 🌹
This is deep and wise information
that resonates within.
Once again, thank you for this profound truth
Beloved Almine🐋💖
Ok, Thankyou for this Almine,.. re humble and incognito….
I am also happy the whales will be free and thrive !
Interesting that males will become more interested in the esoteric!!!
Greatful they will start to not blindly accept
Hello Rogier. I hope you’re well. Do you know if Almine will write any more books in the future?
Such a complex dream! Thank you for sharing.
Wow!! Beautiful and already witnessing this with males. Thank you Almine and Rogier x Joanne
OH yes!!! Yes Incognito all the way!