A Message from the Seer
The participants of the solstice Almine Global Meditation seem to have acted as a catalyst for a truly unique cosmic event:
The shape of the cosmos is in the form of a double oval, overlapping like a Vesica Piscis (see the illustration in the book Windows into Eternity). The one oval – also known as a luminous egg – represents the physical cosmos. Its overlapping counterpart represents its soul / etheric body. This body is active in the dream time.

In an individual the dream experiences are participated in by the soul, which leaves the body during sleep while staying connected to the body by a luminous cord.
During the awake time, the soul slumbers in the body.
The physical cosmic ‘luminous egg’ has separated from its soul counterpart during the last 24 hours (while still staying connected by a luminous cord consisting of the 1,440 tones and qualities the godbeings have been embodying during the last few years).
In other words: The Physical Cosmos Has Fallen Asleep — something that has not happened for 500 billion years.
Exactly how it will impact our daily life, is not yet clear to me. But one of the ways would be that the nightmarish quality that some have felt in their daily lives, should disappear.
Seer’s Note:
I will keep you posted as I discover what life in the cosmic dream is going to be like.
Lightfamily Feedback
Since the global meditation I have crawled in and out of bed all day, feeling to rest. My beingness feels very different. It’s a privilege to have you share what is unfolding. I very much look forward to more of your updates. Thank you Holy Mother.
Within the past 10 mins or so, I’ve been having a very strange experience. It almost felt like I was having a blood sugar episode, but it was while eating. But it feels different and more intense.
Like the air has been knocked out of me. Shaking, my heart beating fast, like I may pass out – very out of this world. With great gratitude, love, and praise, for the explanation.
Falling Asleep
How is ‘falling asleep’ distinct from the soul or death realms?
The Seer:
It’s the same.
But we entered the Stage of Awakening around 2017-2018, so are we back there? Last summer we were in the waking daydream.
The Seer:
Those are stages of consciousness you’re referring to (like, uniformity, diversity, etc.)
Wait a minute…that’s 500 BILLION years…..Totally Unfathomable!!
My mother passed on last November. The pain feels surreal and awful sometimes. So much of what Almine has said for the past 15 years about grief, life and death feels so much more personal now. Yes I agree; It’s totally time to begin to get off of this life/death treadmill. Thank you so very much dear Original Ones for being here. Thank you humans for choosing to leave during this time so the rest of life can “move up” in maturation of consciousness “on time”.
Upon reading this, I was immediately reminded of what Almine has said before, that the Embodiment of the Infinite comes into physical life to help the Cosmos die. It was touched up on in the OO post “The Greater Mystery of the Anutiama”. Huge.
So this is the Dec 21st Solstice ceremony musical Power sigil that is being referred to here. Yes, well the changes are enormous. Look forward to hearing more about it. Gratitude!
Love the colours on this artwork :).
S IF I FELT IT LIKE THAT At night I went shopping and it was a very strange and very beautiful event at the same time and the people around me looked very happy as if it were a Christmas movie thank you serge