We entered the Field of the One, with the Seer entering into seclusion, towards the end of 2019 (and mere months before “COVID” erupted onto the global stage).✶ This field was the fourth – and final – stage of the macrocosmic loop through which life evolves.
If I recall, we’re not in the White Light stage (AKA the Field of the One) anymore, but last year when I asked, you didn’t know where we were. If the White Light field is the stage beyond Resurrection, does it follow we’re even further beyond now? Or are we going back to the Dream?
The Seer:
We’re evolving in complexity of expression… stages beyond the White Light in which we replace guilt with wholesomeness.
Does that mean we’ve exited the macrocosmic loop?
The Seer:
Yes. At least, to be exact, we will exit the interconnecting tunnel linking the four stages of the Blue Road Home, to the new rebirth of the Red Road of Expansion, on the 7th of August.†
Does that mean we enter (or reenter) life as a daydream of the Infinite?
The Seer:
Life evolves in a spiral. Each loop is a higher level of life than the previous. The first stage we’ll enter on the Red Road of Expansion, is a daydream that materializes itself. Let’s give this the name of a ‘lucid daydream’ — what you can imagine you become.
8/12 Self Wheels «Red Road Ceremony»
The downloads for the Red Road Ceremony (Saturday, August 12, 2023 @ 8 AM Pacific) are now available on our store 👉 click here. The ceremony will consist of enhanced versions of the Self Wheel protocols for self-knowledge and self-love. For maximum effect, both sets of 144 qualities should be internalized ahead of time. The ceremony recording will be available after the event.
✶See: In Breath: the Coming Cosmic Contraction
†See: A Sleeping Dream of the Infinite and #Blue Road
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I would like to better visualize the tube torus and the different stages of the spirals. Is there a diagram online or in one of the books that I may reference? Thank you.
This is exciting and helpful to know. Thank you Rogier for your inquiry and thank you Beloved Almine for the update.
Wow, this is so amazing!! I sensed this, but thought I must be off.
Is there a sacred deremonyvwe should do for the 7th of August ?
We were already planning to do the Self Wheel ceremony approaching that date, so likely yes.
Thank you Rogier and Almine 💕 This is very exciting!
Appreciate this information so much ❤️ Thank you Rogier for asking these questions and Almine for answering them ❤️
Oh wow, this is exciting!!! Thank you soooo much for chcking on this Rogier!! This is very helpful for us. 😄😃☺️😊😇🙃🥰
A “rebirth” of all of our respective countries after that date hopefully 🙂