Here follows the original 2009 prophecy about the so-called god clans, that serves as context for these recent posts: The Serpent Clan (The Head of the Snake) and [Ancient] Original Ones’ Misuse of Power.*
Translation from the White Horse Libraries (2009)
The Anai-asai
(Anai-asai means ‘The Overseers’)
Mesh-pa zhivaving usepi harang tra-usai na nahesh upetra viveng
Through the time-tunnels they come
Through controlling the past, to control the outcome
Planetary disaster and a time of machines
From the future reality comes a hateful regime
Balls of programming and balls to observe
Are pretty to photograph, but the Anai-asai they serve†
Through a form of radionics they harvest our lives
To create in their reality that which thrives
The Clans of the Anai-asai
Kaanig hershut esva etrekletve ning harat
An alliance of supergods to control the past‡
The Arayana
From the alliance of future supergods they come to establish a race of overlords, an Aryan nation, to become superior through genetic engineering. This they do so that they are assured of supremacy.
The Anazi
Aiding the Arayana to establish control of man
Together they stand, these two clans
In a vault are their plans§
Four times they’ll try and will fail
The inner technology of man prevails
The Clan of Keenang
(The Dragon Clan)
Kaa ninny yich pa taa, utu nin baarung esewa
From the land of dragons, world dominance is planned
Ving pa-na num si-yang. Ingpe waa-u sang-vi
To control from the future the sons of man
Beings from the future, disguised as man, come with world war plans. But not alone do the Keenang stand, for they work together with the Elhamud Clan.¶
The Elhamud Clan
(El = kings, Hamud = desert)
A financial overthrow twice thwarted will be by man’s inner tenacity.‖ ‘There is no future’, shall man come to see and when he does, the future gods vanquished shall be. Their technologies that from man’s eyes can hide will come to naught when man learns in the One Life to abide.**
The Seti Ra-U
The Elhamud Clan an ally shall have.
From the land of Khem (Egypt), from the Ra clans of the past (Ra-U = of Ra, the Seti of Ra) a group of gods will seize their chance.†† They will find the secrets of the future clans that infiltrate the children of man. Threaten they will, the time tunnels to close. The travel through time tunnels the Seti Ra-u know.
Ley Lines
The Ra gods control the ley lines’ origins.
Khem and Amariku (Mexico) for eons have been the masculine and feminine ley lines’ origins. The struggle for Khem through ages has been between the masculine gods and a heavenly queen.
The Keenang the neutral ley lines origin will seize (Tibet).
The Elhamud own the stargate (Kuwait) and with this they are pleased.
Sitvaa urespranut esklavi estaa aranat pretpranahut
As man no longer bows to the illusion of form, all oppressors from the God-kingdom will be gone.
The Seer
*Related: Dis-Acknowledging Perfection Creates Strife, Dissolving the Rotation That Will Carry Us Into the Worlds of Shadows, Artificial Life and the Fourth Reich, Your Computers and the Fourth Reich, From the Ice and From the South Shall Come, Nazi Antarctica, Group A & Group B and Until 2031
† If I recall correctly, this is referring to orb photography. ~Rogier
‡Note: ‘gods’ is used colloquially in this context, as there is nothing god-like about these beings. ~Rogier
§In Switzerland; 1666 & The Fourth Reich
¶See: Who Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipeline?
‖ See: To Bring America to Its Knees
** This prophecy was received on the cusp of the Seer’s revelations re: Original Ones and humanity being two distinct species, and so our understanding of ‘man’ in this must emphasize the Original Ones first (as the parent of humanity). Refer to: The Original Ones, 300 Strands of DNA and The Tablets of Fire.
††The Anunnaki are a well-known instance of the Ra Gods
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Interesting. Thank you for putting this information together for us Rogier. Very helpful indeed.
Fascinating and deep revelations. Thank you Rogier and Almine. Does the term “man” as used in the above post refer to humans or the OO’s disguised as humans? Thank you!
Just wow!!!
Thanks for sharing this important post