Eight Illusions That Produced Impure God Clans*
From: The Science of Immortality and Incorruptibility†
The work you do is incorrectly named
All by you was designed as a game
Change the attitude from work to play
Then much of your burden will go away
Work as a reality is an illusion
It must be seen as unreal, is the conclusion
To think we must strive to create reality
Creates in the god kingdoms impurity
Nothing is ever out of place
Illusion helps the cosmos unfold with grace
A timing mechanism, proper development to ensure
Illusion regulates unfoldment, nothing more
You think life dictates what you must do
That the script is already written for you
Beyond this illusion the truth remains
That is a story you create
There is no real past, just a story you wrote
Like a song you composed, the already sung notes
To think that others can make a mistake
Is to not take credit for the play you create
All that occurs when opposition takes place
Is a change of direction, a change of pace
All have meaning in the pageantry of life
Dis-acknowledging perfection creates strife
The promptings of heart as enlightened are seen
But like the mind, the heart wants to reign supreme
Even if it heartache creates
Just as long as it can dominate
Drama in life from this unholy desire comes
The way to eliminate this is to live
From the Presence of The One
Conflict is seen as an inevitability of life
We tolerate conflict and are hospitable to strife
Unnatural it is, life does not itself oppose
It provides adventure and blissful repose
Fear of boredom need not be
Great discoveries of the One Life wait to be seen
When we acknowledge creating our reality
We think with wrong choices retribution we’ll see
Karma is seen as an inevitability
But no bad consequences can there be
Freedom of choice is illusory
By the One Life guided are all
Choices that could ever be
No longer a slave to bodily functions are we
The body is just illusory
Push the boundaries of needs gradually
No need to sleep or even eat
Bodily functions must not dictators become
We are the body and the food
When we live as One
The Seer
*There are various god clans that operate on the rim of the Disc of Life, around which the cosmos turns, that each preside over a specific quadrant of this wheel. Whenever we move in one of these quadrants, the influence of that particular clan is heightened. ~Rogier
†This course is currently unavailable in its entirety. But its centerpiece – Illuminations of the Gods – is available. See: The Lemurian Science of Immortality and Illuminations of the Gods
Nice one. Thank you.
Tel something about those one from sixteen………about many was spoken……..and it is not illusion iit is like perfect projection with one prosent realaty….from the first place…..on to here….
Thankyou Almine for this timely reminder….
I do notice I dont “need” to eat as much anymore….I have been observing this silently within…I find it interesting.
I would love to go beyond bodily needs
Will work on it