I had an absolutely horrible dream of a demon entering my room and no one was there for me… no one could help me.
The Seer:
Yes there is one, but because you are doing the daily Light Explosion Protocol, the demon can’t come into the house and it’s outside around the house waiting for its chance to come in.* I’ll deal with it.
What to do from your side:
- Don’t watch horror movies
- Do the light explosion protocol daily — at the end of it, say: I command the light explosion protocol to automatically repeat itself 16 times every time I do it. Let there be 16 layers of the white light impervious shield around myself (wherever I go) and my loved ones and pets, home and garden and around all vehicles I may travel in. Let the light explosions and shield be placed around my assets and around the town or city in which I live.
Seer’s Note:
The 16 repetitions of the light explosions should be done in places of war or under attack, and when dealing with suspected demonic activity.
What is the demon waiting for? If he can’t come in, why wait?
The Seer:
He’s waiting for your menstrual period to stop. Menstruation blood (non-traumatic blood) is very powerful and keeps all etheric ill intent away. Soak a used tampon or sanitary napkin in water till you have bloody water and then sprinkle it around your home or living space.
Seer’s Note:
Other uses of the bloody (only menstrual blood) water:
- It is powerful enough to turn back floods from your environment as well as bush fires. Make a boundary of the bloody water and say, “As a godbeing on Earth, I command that the flooding (or fire) shall not cross this boundary of holy blood.”
- If you feel that you are being tampered with in the dreamtime, place a container of the blood (you don’t need a lot, just a little bottle — you can seal it to prevent odor) under your bed.
- Etheric beings use trees as tunnels or hiding places. When sprinkling the bloody water around your property, save some to sprinkle around each tree in your garden.
- When walking in nature, place the white light shield around yourself as usual and carry a little lidded bottle of the bloody water with you.
What should we use instead of menstrual blood if that is not available to us ?
The Seer:
Grind some dragon’s blood stone fine to a powder and mix with a bit of water till it’s the consistency of blood. (Native Americans use pipestone in the same way. It’s more difficult to grind to a powder though.)
Seer’s Note:
Catlinite, or Pipestone, is a natural stone located in mines in the central part of the United States. It attains a deep reddish color after you polish it. Native Americans use this stone to make pipes, beads and other carved items.
The Seer
A Note About Dragon’s Blood
Dragon’s blood extract is a natural substance derived from the resin of certain trees. It has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for its healing properties. Dragon’s blood extract is rich in tannins, which are compounds that have astringent and anti-inflammatory effects on the skin. Recent studies have shown that Dragon’s blood extract can help to heal wounds and improve the appearance of scars. It can also help to reduce inflammation and redness associated with acne. Dragon’s blood extract is an effective natural treatment for many common skin conditions. Link→
*See: The Light Explosion Protocol (Complete) and The Light Explosion Kit.
I remember this method with the bool being mention before, but it was also said that it could attract demons if there are people with negative/low vibration in the hose If this information is still relevant, what do you do if you live in an apartment?
nothing thus far has kept demons out of my space
thus far — tried blood explosions salt belvapata sealing holes with oils and power sigils// wondering why
Hi Roger, I just want to clarify- it originally says dragons blood stone, then extract. The hardness of the stone is 6-7 on the mohs scale. So, maybe She was speaking of the resin the whole time? Thank you! I have the stone at my shop so I want to make sure before I attempt to hammer it😆
This is wonderfully helpful information Almine. Thank you! I will do the light explosion protocol and intend to have it done 16 more times everytime I do it. I need to have faith in knowing that it gets stronger everytime I do it.
Any word Rogier on the ceremony for dissolving repressive matrices??
This is such great information. Gratitude!
That’s fantastic! Thank you Beloved!💕
Do traumatic events and ptsd also attract demons from the intense negative emotions that flare up? Ive been feeling something lurking “behind” my doing the light explosion protocol many times, thought my immediate space feels fine, but I cant tell if its just the trauma itself or not because it causes heightened anxiety and being on edge anyways.