Do you recommend that all participants internalize the Self Wheel qualities (both the sets for self-knowledge and self-love) ahead of the 8/12 Red Road ceremony?
The Seer:
Yes. What it means to internalize:
- Contemplate the quality so that you understand its deeper meaning.
- Envision in what way you would express that particular quality in your daily life.
- Ask yourself: as I articulate that quality on a day-by-day basis, how would I live differently than before? For example, you would live a slower, more thoughtful life. In slowing down your life, you take a moment to ask if your next action or decision fully expresses this newly accentuated quality.
- It is recommended that you maximally embody ten Self Wheel qualities at a time.
8/12 Self Wheels «Red Road Ceremony»
The downloads for the Red Road Ceremony (Saturday, August 12, 2023 @ 8 AM Pacific) are now available on our store 👉 click here. The ceremony will consist of enhanced versions of the Self Wheel protocols for self-knowledge and self-love. For maximum effect, both sets of 144 qualities should be internalized ahead of time. The ceremony recording will be available after the event.
Anna says
I want to encourage those who may feel daunted by the divine task of integrating the 288 qualities for our upcoming ceremony (especially those new to these). I seem to integrate what I write, so I have been writing the qualities by hand. They are beautiful to write. It somehow integrates through feeling the qualities as I write them and speak them, feel them and contemplate them. When I get sleepy, I know I am assimilating and integrating them…I then go to sleep for a while. My cells are changing, and downloading the luminous light of the qualities, they are registering within me, and I need to sleep. I wake up refreshed and continue with the writing and integrating. Just thought I’d share, if maybe writing is something you’d like to try. It goes quickly in timelessness with music elixirs playing softly. Once I finish writing them, I will run the wheels through me ( hopefully more than once) in the 9 sequences given… I have used the recording technique before, it works really well. By enjoying the process you slip into timelessness.🌹😊
Abigail Hinds says
10/day x 12 days = 120 qualities… and there are 288 qualities to internalize (for those whom are meeting this material for the first time)… any suggestions on how best to approach preparation in such a case? Thank you Rogier.
Rogier says
Hi Abigail, it’s not 10 per day, but 10 at a time.
Ciara says
Awesome thanks, looking forward to it!
Jane says
Beautiful! Thank you ❤️