There are two sets of qualities for the 144 Self Wheels. One is from the original protocol, as featured in Book of Answers, and the other in the Self-Appreciation ceremony that was part of the 2017 webinar, Becoming a Holy Master of the White Light.†
The Seer:
The 144 listed in the Book of Answers has a slightly different aim than the one used in 2017:
The original set fosters self-knowledge; the 2017 set facilitates self-love. Self-knowledge is a necessary precursor to developing self-love through self-appreciation.
Which one do we use when we’re working specifically to address the prophesied digital blackout scenario, of which you had said:
“Government-engineered” issues … [arise] from giving your self-sovereignty away; from viewing yourself as being at the mercy of external forces. Study and live the Self Wheel qualities to prevent this.
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The Seer:
The first set.
8/12 Self Wheels «Red Road Ceremony»
The downloads for the Red Road Ceremony (Saturday, August 12, 2023 @ 8 AM Pacific) are now available on our store 👉 click here. The ceremony will consist of enhanced versions of the Self Wheel protocols for self-knowledge and self-love. For maximum effect, both sets of 144 qualities should be internalized ahead of time. The ceremony recording will be available after the event.
†The Seer’s discourses from Becoming a Holy Master of the White Light are available here and here.
Michelle says
Hi Rogier- I was working with the self wheels yesterday provided at the end of Kannish Belvaspata. Are these the same ones you are referring to? Can we use those when trying to prevent the blackout? Thanks for all your help!
Rogier says
Those are the wheels, but the ceremony is more complex.
Dhani says
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you for this info! I am excited for the Ceremony for the Red Road in August.