A question from a very concerned student for the Seer:
There is talk on the internet about an engineered, deliberate cutting off of electricity during January causing a global blackout for months. Is there any truth in that?
The Seer:
Please don’t allow yourself to be scared by sensation seekers and fearmongers. There’s plenty of that going around to scare anyone willing to listen to them.
The short answer is: no! There’s no truth in it.
The long answer is:
The prophecies speak of a darkness covering the Earth. But it’s a digital blackout, not a physical one, like what a huge volcanic eruption would cause. On the other hand, there is a very serious global drought taking place that could impact areas dependent on hydro-electric power.
Just to follow-up and clarify, in contrasting with an electricity blackout, when you say ‘digital blackout’, do you mean like the Internet going down?
The Seer:
Yes. And that’s actually a bigger calamity because of the chaos it would cause. Mankind’s dependency on something so destructible is a big mistake. (But I don’t foresee this is an imminent event — not in the coming year, for instance.)
The primary message of my very last book, Coming Home to the Self, was to become self sovereign and independent of systems. I have also said that’s learning skills will be your wealth. Those who are from the previous generation, will be able to handle a non-digital age much better.
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Alex says
Well I take care of people for a living and don’t work in tech so that should carry me through during these times I hope.
Ciara Young says
Very interesting, I’ve been having this conversation with my dad recently, who despairs at the state of current generations and how few real-world practical skills anyone has. Of course it’s been designed that way so that younger generations would be totally inept in the face of a crisis, but I do feel a level of embarrassment still at quite how right he is (he wasn’t around to teach me hands-on stuff himself when I was younger). I’ve been thinking a lot about how very lucky we are that he’s coming to live with us shortly that we’ll be able to learn everything he knows from him (which is a lot!). I dread to think how all the people without anyone physically useful around are going to cope with what’s ahead.
Alex Murray says
In the beginning of this plandemic, Almine said that 5G was not invloved in the virus didn’t she? And doesn’t 5G have A LOT to do with this virus? And didn’t the dragons just dismantle all of the satellites?
Rogier says
Not sure where you’re getting that from. And the satellites have little to do with the blackout…
Ailsa says
Very interesting. Thank you.