I had a very interesting dream which I’d like to share. In the dream there was a white, lovable baby owl, stumbling and walking into obstructions and falling over… I kept picking it up and loving it.
The Seer:
A white owl signifies death.
A baby white owl is the beginning of your losing faith and hope in yourself as an incorruptible goddess. The many obstacles of these past years have made you inclined to not feel like living forever. That is exactly the way that death entices us to want to give up on life and start being attracted to death — by piling obstacles up on our journey.
Take an afternoon or two to recapitulate the events of these last few years: the gifts, the lessons, the insights, etc. (See the nine steps of recapitulation in the book Journey to the Heart of God.)
This is the Toltec way of stealing away death’s challenges (death’s allies) and turning these into your allies. Hardship is turned into personal power through insights. Dearest, as you cooperate with life through surrendered trust, the hardships cease to be hardships and life becomes much easier.
A follow-up question please.
The white owl is also the symbol of the Runes, and of resurrection, no? I was recently told of a dream of a white owl, in which the bird was identified as ‘the Owl of the Runes’. Now I am not sure if I correctly confirmed this?
The Seer:
Well, if it was identified in a dream then of course yes, it pertains to the Runes.
The real question is how does one distinguish between the white owl of death and the white owl of resurrection?
The Seer:
Unless the dream specifically indicates that the white owl is for Rune initiation or resurrection, it is always signaling death. BUT, it doesn’t mean death has to be the end of life! It could mean the death of an old way of life, or of old habit, etc. As a messenger of the end of your own or someone else’s life, the white owl symbol would be revealed in a very dramatic way.
I had a huge white spirit owl fly through my closed bedroom window three nights in a row to signal actual death. Soon after, they stopped my heart in the hospital in order to shock it back into rhythm. This has happened to me three times already — a very dramatic symbol.
V says
How does one differentiate between obstacles being placed by death to lure us, or obstacles appearing as divine intent to protect us on our journey, or a calling to surrender to life? Does recapitulation reveal this?
I am in a phase where almost everywhere I turn there are countless obstacles and difficulties and surrendering to life and trusting isn’t helping them decrease. Thank you.
Evelyn says
I hear this. Good question. I am also facing many obstacles. However I do not truly feel I am trusting as I can sense a hold, gripping and control as well. I seem not to trust that One Life is completely benevolent so I am overprotective. I hope your question is answered.
Dhani says
OH my….thank you for sharing this deep information.
Marissa says
Wow! I just read this today, and it so resonates with the dream I had awoken from this morning.
I dreamed I was with someone (I do not remember who), and I saw 2 white owls. I recall pondering if they were representative of the Runes of the Infinite Mother. Upon closer inspection, I sensed one embodied feminine energies and was all white. The other that flew in tandem, encompassed masculine energies and a couple of cream-colored plumage on top of the head. They quickly soared across my view (from my left to right) with a bright blue sky noticeable in the background. I was excited, and hurriedly went to grab my device and record them, but they were so fast that I barely caught a glimpse of them before they flew back around to the direction they came from, entering a cave. Hoping to see them and perhaps get better footage, I got another chance to film them again, as they re-emerged from the cave…but they were very quick…and I only got a brief recording once again…but it was clearer looking😍 Very grateful for this post♥️♥️♥️
Anna says
The Power Sigil for ” New Beginings” is free on the Diary. It is on fridge, I work with it often…it helps to see beyond appearances of hardship.
“There are only gifts and lessons. Cultivate the divine perspective to see beyond appearances of hardship.”
The sigil was posted on the Diary 3/31/2022.
Alexandra Murray says
This was a really important post for me to read today.
Stephen says
Most grateful for your insight and perspective on this subject
Sarah says
What does the heart doing funky things symbolize besides issues with love? I do not believe I have issues with love at all, but I have had the craziest experiences with my heart doing funky things, and palpitating quite easily now. I never had any issues before, and the doctors say everything looks fine, but it’s been rather irritating, I never know what to expect!
Joanne Harding says
I’ve had the same issues Sarah! Heart palpitations/flutters etc
Sarah says
Interesting! I wonder what the cause is 🤔.
Miriam says
There is a post on the Diary titled Sacred Government Through Self Government Resolves Conflict, dated November 14, 2015. Well worth reading… There is a pararaph; “We have the following conflict playing out in our bodies: the battle between pro-activity and receptivity. This conflict could localize in an organ or specific area of the body to play itself out (like heart palpitatios, inflammation, etc.” Next…: “To resolve this (and by proxy to resolve it globally), we have to surrender to the moment more than we ever have.”
Sarah says
Thank you so much! ❤️
Anna says
What Miriam has posted is really helpful. Thank you Miriam. The moment is where we change perspectives and navigate the reality we are in.
Another area is to look into the Heart meridian oil, and also the heart chakra oil…the heart can be going through a metamorphosis just as the brain/mind is also doing.
It is alarming to feel these things physically.
Sarah says
Thank you also! These bits of information are really very appreciated!! ❤️
Gio says
Wondefull my Dearest
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you for these words of comfort – although I have not been enticed by death, I do get bogged down at times with supposed hardships. I will write the last sentence down to read daily – “Dearest as you cooperate with life….”
And as for the Seer’s experience, wow!