This recording from 2009 is the first time the Seer spoke publicly of the Ashanta serpents. (Note: Jaylene’s game, per the analogy, is the original Nintendo Wii, and prefaces the idea of a digital avatar.) The exchange below took place earlier today, and is a follow-up from Part 1
Do the Ashanta serpents look like dragons?
The Seer:
Wings, but no legs.
But the same kind of head?
The Seer:
Some fins where the ears should be. Head looks more like a snake than a lizard.
Do we have sigils for them? I don’t think we’ve ever had these.
The Seer:
No, we don’t. Some were helpful and some were hurtful.
There were some black ones in Brazil that weren’t very nice. But there was a time, ages ago, in the first time of Atlantis, when they helped humanity in its attempt to get rid of reptilian imposters from the crust of the Earth, who were masquerading as humans in leadership positions.
As you know, they are very good at telepathic communication with humans. There’s one (male) in Tibet that is in communication with an old woman mystic. She’s aware of the sacred government work we do.
And then there are, of course, the ones that were recently put on the San Andreas Fault.
There are other significantly unstable fault lines on earth, other than the San Andreas where their help is greatly appreciated. Turkey and Syria for instance. And Italy.
Would the Infinite One be able to assign them, with their benevolent cooperation, to these and other fault lines?
So that’s how that happened. Good to know. Thanks for getting these old notes together for us Rogier. :O)
I still often wonder why the rep. that live in the crust of the Earth have been allowed to live here for so long while committing such horrific acts on children? The Ashanta serpents where removed at some point and so were the mer people. Why have they been given free reign for so long?