I feel deeply disturbed by what I am seeing. How do You manage Your Sanity by The Level at which You See? May I learn by Witnessing Your Example! In the moment I feel I may lose last night’s dinner.
The Seer:
Well, I need to warn you that the answer may not necessarily be very comforting and may produce more questions rather than answers. Furthermore, the fact that it makes one less comfortable to live amongst one’s fellowman rather than more so, is still something I am continuously exploring.
So far I have come up with a few glimpses into the answers:
To delve deeply into this, we should clarify a few things first. We will be looking at the very large perspective (‘purpose of life’ perspective) and the large perspective β the “evolutionary stage of life on earth” perspective (the role humanity is playing in the large perspective, and the role the Original Ones are playing to evolve life on Earth). We will also examine the small microcosmic perspective of the role an individual is playing.
The Meaning of Happiness
Next we want to be clear on what the meaning of happiness is. Life grows in spurts, with plateaus in between the steep climbs of growth. In other words, the movement of an individual being (or an individual group) as it grows stronger and matures to its next stage of expression, is in alternating spurts of struggle, or overcoming, or adjusting, and then rest and peace. The rest and peace stage we view as pleasant and we define it as “happiness”.
Some avoid the stages of growth and mastering the unfamiliar, and aim to stay only on the plateau of rest. From an observer’s point of view, such a one who dwells in the eternal summer of their life, is a “happy” person. But then why is the suicide rate among the rich and famous so high? Don’t they have everything one could hope for?
Life does not permit stagnation, nor does it allow one to escape the struggles of growth. If someone has eliminated his or her external struggles by attaining a lifestyle that provides everything needed for comfort and support, the struggles become internal ones. Life continues its alternating cycles of inner peace and inner striving.
The journey of mastering the self that we have been on, has been a long one of accelerated inner spiritual growth, but the law of compensation demands that our inner peace likewise be long and deep. We have learnt how to strive, now let’s learn how to have inner peace. We have mastered death, now let’s learn how to master life.

How to Live With Peace and ‘Happiness’
Life is like an ongoing ladder and you are further up the ladder than humanity. But as you climb upwards, so will they. Where they are, you’ve once been. It is foolishness to expect others to have your more advanced perception and wisdom. To be a leader on the ladder of life is an isolated place to be. But with increased vision comes moments of rapture to spur you along your journey. You have, through diligence, earned the right to see the glory of life and in those moments of rapture, touch the face of eternity. This journey is for the brave and the intrepid.
The Seer
Choose to walk the lonely path of a leader, or the path of many who are followers. But when you are not the leading horse pulling the wagon of life up the mountain, the view never changes.
Blackfoot Indian Proverb
What lovely pictures. I feel like I could walk right into them. π
So profound and comforting acknowledgement of our journey. Thank you! ππ
Wow. Thanks for this question. Kudos to Almine for tackling it here. LOL….with her sense of humour in tact. π
Que hermoso Gracias team querida Almine