It was several times said that the Reptilians were purged away from Earth and yet they seem to be remaining here.✶ Where does this contradiction come from?
The Seer:
There have been alien reptilians that have come here from the Orion star system for centuries. I don’t know much about their agenda other than that they were responsible for genetically experimenting with Neanderthal DNA to try and breed toughness and strength into their own race, and that they are interested in how prolifically humans multiply their population. They are hostile with very little tolerance for humans.
The ones that I have been referring to in my last few messages, have lived in the crust of the Earth for millions of years. They think of the Earth as their home planet and of man as an ‘infection’; a hostile invading race. They have had a military outpost on the surface of the moon for hundreds of thousands of years. They have attempted to infiltrate human governments and to enslave man, during times of critical Earth changes, pandemics and famines. I know of their attempts to infiltrate earthly governments as far back as the days of Atlantis.
When aliens are purged from the Earth, it excludes them, because they’re not regarded as infiltrating from another planet. This is technically their ‘home planet’.
This might account for the seeming contradiction you’re referring to. To make things even more confusing, there are short green colored ones and tall black skinned ones. I don’t know much else about them other than that they’re capable of space travel.
The Seer Almine
I’ll do a podcast on this subject next week.
Read: Group A & Group B
Denise says
Hi Rogier………..I see that the Anai-asai is also from Orion as well as the Reptilians as described above. I wonder what is the significance of this???
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you for this post and am eagerly awaiting your podcast Rogier! I can understand why the Reptilians consider Earth their home. The same scenario has been played out in the US, Australia, and other countries where Indigenous peoples and land they lived upon were overrun by invaders and now the invaders feel entitled to the land. Perhaps it is in our face now because it is begging for a resolution.
kia says
i spent the last decade observingvthem one once tried to take over my body..didnt work, a few months ago two in form and one outof form tried getting in my head, another group has mind controlled my neighborhood and insisted on following me, i used to see their ships ocerhead, and a few days ago a queen from orion who i mentioned with another Oo, tried to trixk me into opening a portal in my house, by sending advice through diffrent people who are intuitive…they seem to take over the minds if others and the mind control protocol doesnt seem to work..they like to break in and enter and seem to mind bend like everyone down to the mailmen, intuitive ones, store oweners, its like my neighvorhood is under reprilian mind control, not sure why or how, but i know of the orion group, another somehow connected to black light unvierse, ..not sure its like constantly clearing out but might be connected to shadow gods..any sigil ..ideas.would need to be for the entire group
Hunt says
Well it looks like we’re all just going to have to “get along,” because these threats from A.I. beings and other hostile extraterrestrial races will affect ALL life on earth (I’m sure the inner-earth isn’t exempt from this) If they claim that they have a right to be here, then wouldn’t it be in everybody’s best interests if they stopped treating humans like garbage, attempting to enslave and traumatize them and banded together to form the greatest Shield Wall in galactic history? To fight alongside and protect our Great Mother? But that’s the age old thing isn’t it. Nobody wants to compromise. Nobody wants to work together for a better future for ALL. Nobody wants to refer to another as an “equal.” It’s all domination and superiority complexes. And quite frankly, I’m tired of this eon long game of “one-upmanship…”
Brett says
It’s a loophole. Humans in a reactionary response run from the infiltration, creating a human initiatory response of over-creation. The Reptilians wish to Dominate the soul as they do every planet. This is the low planet, not the real planet, thus it’s “their home”, their version away from The Infinite.
Mieke says
Thank You dear Almine for filling in further gaps within this Orion/reptilian subject. Look forwards to hearing your podcast Rogier… Thank you and for this post also.
Giovany Acuña says
Intersting Dear Rogier thanks you AND thanks Beloved Almine for bring this
Christina Treviño says
Interesting post at this time. In a recent dream I was not sure of 3 tall black men and who they were. I did have a quick thought they could be reptilian but then maybe CIA bodyguards. In any case, my question would be then who was here first, the reptilians in the earth’s crust or humans? Millions of years is a long time ago, so I can understand them seeing it as their home.
I have heard this for many years. Or do they have an original planet that was long destroyed? How many are we talking about that live beneath or among us? Are they counted in the 8+ billion on this planet? Seems like we need to understand, if they should be eliminated or embraced to co-habitat with. I look forward to the podcast Rogier! 🙂
⭐️ says
According to scientists, Troodons could have possibly evolved into humanoid type beings by now. Are they descendants of the dinosaurs?
Dhani says
Say, what kind of power sigil could we request about resolving this Reptilian issue. Can we get one to undo the mind-control thing they have over humans (and likely) the God beings that have limited their vision to live in this human world.
Dhani says
Rogier, there was one in my office some weeks ago. It looked like a man from Pakistan. But, I was in front of him doing his fingerprints and I suddenly spun around and looked him straight into his eyes. I could see the pupils were vertical slits not round like human eyes. Definitely reptilian. He was kind of hunched and walking very funny. His tongue was kind of slippery in his mouth. His made a bit of slurpy sound when he spoke. He tried to speak rapidly so that I would not notice his slurred speech. His skin was a tan brown like Indian people. It definitely gave me a creepy feeling.
Vanessa says
Interesting… I have been picking up on the reptilian, and saw in a kids cartoon ” Sheera” a shape shift her tall and thin parts of him green but his outfit mainly black, hmm.
I also had the same question only yesterday
Thankyou for the clarity on this beloved Almine and to Rogier for either asking this question and posting