You have said that Lemuria sank in three stages. Did Atlantis too?
The Seer:
Yes it did. At the end of each of the ice ages. But not in the same way Lemuria did.
Pieces of Lemuria sank in time, giving its inhabitants (like the Hopi and the Australian Aborigines) the opportunity to move to safer ground. But Atlantis was twice entirely submerged to reappear as a different landmass and at a slightly different location. (See Secrets of the Hidden Realms.) It was then called Atitlan, Land of the Serpent Priests. Before the final submerging of Atlantis, the serpent priests moved to the Yucatán in long canoes.
In the Atlantean language Atitlan means ‘The Heavenly Serpent’ or ‘The Serpent From Heaven’ — the Pleiades.
Are they what underlies the myth, or perhaps legend, of Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent?
Q is Thoth.
Thank you Rogier. I thought I remembered this from something in Almine’s material…years ago. Although it may have been something I read in French about ‘le serpent à plumes’.
So the Pleiadian ‘sepents from heaven’, whom I presume were benevolent, were important enough to attract that ubiquitous shadow god? And it’s his legend that persists… naturellement.
It seems to be the same recurrent archetype, the lure of life-death-resurection (false spirit): Osiris, Gilgamesh, Quetzalcoatl, Mithras, Jesus, Arthur…and their ‘second coming’: the once and future king.
Are all archetypes of the collective psyche of humanity miscreated by the shadow gods? And I think Almine said (in Answers for Lightworkers?) that all religions have the same origin, and therefore none can hold a transcendent ‘answer’. Being of the same Thothful nature lol.
Thank you, Beloved Almine for this and thank you Rogier for always keeping us well informed.
Deep Gratitude Almine,
I had a vision of You today speaking to Me of something past about a serpent
Cool. This is the first time I am reading this information in a sequential manner that is helpful in placing the order of events that occurred so long ago. Thank you for sharing this with us dear Almine.