It is difficult working with humans, one in particular actually, huge ego, talks over people as though he has the answer to everything instead of listening to some one who is actually speaking their own verifiable knowledge. I understand this is a test for me in mastery and I try to keep my head down and to stop offering my own knowledge, even though I know I may have the answer. I’m on the job for one week and I am feeling like it is already time to move on. I would like the lesson in mastery, though.
The Seer:
Insight #1
The key component of a warrior of light, is not just heroic courage, but endurance. Endurance is built on moral courage and is the feminine pole of a masterful expression of power. Masculine courage is the impetus of a momentary expression of bravery, but feminine courage is the balancing foundation of a life well lived over many days of one sure-footed step at a time; a life built on the strong conviction of the value of experience in the face of adversity.
Insight #2
To seek the insight of the moment is far more valuable than trying to elucidate another. Such a seeker mines life for its gems of wisdom and accumulates it’s true and imperishable wealth.
Insight #3
Life inserts at least one antagonist into our daily environment for us to turn into an ally by changing a flaw to a strong suit within.
Insight #4
For every challenge we avoid or ignore, someone else has to pay the price by taking the burden of transcending it on, in addition to having their own to carry.
I love Insight #3 Almine. I think many people deal with an antagonist in their life… in their family circle or job or friends. I like to just be silent within or if I must, do a kinda little smile…
Thank you for sharing about the value of the insights. I am wondering if an insight has the ability to reveal the bigger picture, when it interconnects like a puzzle piece with the pieces of the bigger picture? I am curious about value insights have in the interconnectedness of all life?
So synchronistic. I too have started a new job and am dealing w people who talk over others incessantly instead of listening. I decided that it doesnt matter. I am not there to change minds through my words anyway.
“ Life inserts at least one antagonist into our daily environment for us to turn into an ally by changing a flaw to a strong suit within.”
Wow!!! That makes sense! How beautiful!
Thank you Almine and team
Well said everyone! I love these insights!
Thank You for your expressions!
This is the experience we decided to live in this reality. The lesser consciousness is currently ruling the planet in the spotlight because of it. The loudest voices are the frontrunners instead of those best suited to make capable decisions from the highest wisdom.
This is just how it is. Trying to educate is pointless. I’ve given up on trying to make people see the value of what I could contribute if they can’t see it. Then again, how could they? Does a child see all a father does for them or the wisdom they sometimes hold?
We suffer, bear, swallow, grow and move on. Games are only worth playing if there’s something to be gained from it.
The 9 steps of recapitulation are very helpful to resolve situations like this. Life of Miracles, third expanded edtition , page 136,
Yep, a change in perspective is required here. But, this is very interesting. Thank you for your words of wisdom Almine. Always appreciate these bits of advice.