In my passion and commitment to cutting the ties that bind and living beyond mortal boundaries, I have been eliminating the 144 attachments of heart, mind, and spirit.✶
They are rapidly dissolving illusions in my Being and further deepening my experience of existential Onlyness, to such a degree that self worth, or any worth for that matter, has dissolved. Success and failure have dissolved as well. I am all things and yet none of it. This is acute. Nothing matters or is valued over anything else. And The Law of Compensation and the reality of no gains or losses seems to further deepen this existential Onlyness.
I was hoping that such dissolving of illusions and identities in general would foster more refined delight and patience, but I am feeling intense irritation with the games of those of lesser consciousness; and a deep grief in this intense Onlyness.
I must be missing something. Please, Beloved, how may I soar to greater heights and dance with The Great Beauty of The Self with more delight?
The Seer:
You are discovering a mystic’s mystery I have been grappling with for years. Toltec mystics used to detach from the reality of man to such an extent that they seemed almost to detach from humanness altogether. Their compassionate understanding, patience, sense of humor, sex drive and joyousness, seemed to have disappeared along with the illusions of man.
The more detached these mystics became, the more human qualities were lost.

The Solution
The following analogy to explain the relationship between emotion and perception (or love and light) has been used by me in the past:
I explained it has a flexible pyramid with the vertical axis being the perception and the horizontal base being the emotion. The higher the perception rises, the smaller the base. The wider the emotion expands horizontally, the lower the perception.
Humanity lacks perception, and therefore wallows in accentuated emotion. Masters have a great deal of perception (which grows more as we remove illusion) and therefore have little emotion. During a journey of mastery, it feels as though we lose emotion-based feelings (like love, joy, or sexuality or humor).
However, consider the following:
- We are reinventing the way perception and emotion relate by creating a new, higher way of being human that is sustainable and growth promoting: we are introducing the integration of these two opposites.† More perception inspires more emotion and vice versa.
- The nature of emotion has to change, because emotion without perception is addictive and volatile. Emotion inspired by perception, is a free energy device that fuels consciousness.
- We only value the old, hollow emotions of the past because of social conditioning and because we are the trailblazers and have had no role models to teach us otherwise.
- Integrating the most basic opposites of light and love, we are addressing the conflicting nature of opposites themselves; the cause of war and hardship; we are healing polarity and hardship as the impetus for evolution.
Let’s examine what takes the place of that which we feel we may have lost.
To be continued...
The Seer
✶See: Eliminating Attachments of the Heart, Mind and Spirit
†See: Something I Never Thought I Would Hear!, Re: The Future Human Hybrid Race
I love this so much!!! Thank you Beloved and precious questioner.
So truly resonant, this has been my exact quest over the last two years as well and I have ultimately come to the conclusion that finding a new, higher way to of being human, exactly as the title suggests (in contrast to shunning the human life and basically withdrawing from everything, never achieving anything, giving up on any attempts at accomplishment in the material world, forgoing relationships, living in a wasteland of no-feeling etc) is the solution for me. I am starting to truly ENJOY life again through this approach.
I also uncovered deep and intense judgement within myself surrounding the concept of being human (regarding myself), and shedding this with grace and much self-love (an ironic concept when the sense of self is so fundamentally changed) has been a big journey.
I am SO happy to hear that it seems to be on point with what is being suggested here and can’t wait for the next installment!
That’s what I thought…… Great to have it all spelled out here. Gratitude.
Wonderful question and so relatable, and yes a resonating response to be continued, thank you!!💜
I am deply greatful to the one who asked this question.
A very resonant respomse from Almine..
“Integrating the most basic opposites of light and love, we are addressing the conflicting nature of opposites themselves; the cause of war and hardship; we are healing polarity and hardship as the impetus for evolution.” – Well after much silence, this is lovely to see.