In recent months, we’ve received a number of reports of / questions about, the dream symbolism of falling off a ladder, and whether it’s indicative of an imminent cosmic descension?
The Seer:
Falling off the ladder indicates a rapid lowering of consciousness. We’ve been studying for years what could cause a loss of energy — which causes a loss of consciousness.
The symbolism of going down a ladder indicates a descension (de-evolution).
And you’re saying that the symbolism (in these cases, at least) is personal and not cosmic?
The Seer:
Previous: Horses on the Camargue
So interesting that others have encountered this sign with the ladder in recent months too! 🤔 I have had 5 people in my close environment fall down off a ladder, independently of each other, within the last week. Something is up, and I am very grateful for this heads up and reminder, that I need to be aware of how to contain my energy and thus consciousness.
Just bought a ladder in fact for the first time ever. Mmmm wondering
I volunteered at an art organization. It started having bad energy because the director was unhappy. One day we were supposed to hang an art show. I didn’t go because of the bad energy. My friend who worked there, an artist, fell from a ladder and broke both his arms.
Thank you for this post Rogier… I was able to quickly collect the insights to remind myself.
How to Create Graceful Change in Our Lives
The Sacred Government has to realize that they are the first cause of things in their existence and not the effect. The primary determining factor of how rapidly the secret government die out, depends on the you the Sacred Government. The members of the Sacred Government make their [the Secret Government] existence unnecessary by getting rid of the beliefs that external factors govern their lives, rather than that they themselves determine the external factors.
If you want something to change, withdraw your focus from it. Your attention to the politics of the world as given by the news media, empowers the illusion of earthly governments being the determinative factor of earthly affairs. They do not govern the Earth, the Sacred Government does. The Godbeings among men determine the future with every decision they make in their daily lives.
It is the mission of the Original Ones to ameliorate consequences; to offer blessings; to lessen severe consequences. It is not their prerogative to alter the future and interfere with the unfolding destiny of humanity.
Hard as it may be to watch the cause and effect of man’s folly, the greatest gift of the gods is to remain true to their highest truth.
Godhood is an intrepid journey of steadfast courage, not the unbridled abuse of accumulated power.
Beautifully said.