Seer’s Note
Wheel #17 indicates that the hologram is formed through the implementation of seven illusions:✶
- The mirror
- The splitting of light (the rainbow)
- The echo
- The mirage
- The vacuum
- The distortion produced by a lens
- The illusion of separation produced by the cognitive mind’s inability to see refined light and hear certain sounds
The Sigil of Blahut indicates that each of these 7 illusions were produced from one of seven planets in our solar system.†(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter & Uranus.)
The seventh illusion is created by disconnecting certain abilities in the DNA.
The Seer Almine
✶See: Humanity Was Captured in a Simulation Reality
†See: Now Its Secrets Can Be Read
This is so facscinating. Over the last 6 weeks or so I have had an absolutely torturous flare-up of mental noise that seemed to come out of nowhere (having worked so hard to develop a silent mind). It initially felt like being thrown backwards a million miles and made me want to scream it was so awful, truly like being tortured, and then I recognised it was there because some massive illusion that was never fully tackled, only suppressed, is “up” right now to be completely dissolved. As I’ve explored it in myself I’ve realised it is exactly the illusion of the mirror, and if it can be be fully released right now as a guidance mechanism something huge will shatter. The mind forms mirrors to try to navigate life, but it’s all a trap. I haven’t 100% cracked this yet, but I’ve got it to the place that if the noise comes I can remind myself that navigating through mirrors is now obsolete and just stay still enough until the urge to form one dissipates. I feel sure we are right on the verge of one of the most profound evolutionary leaps ever here.
Wow! The planets are given in the order, in which the 7 illusions are listed, aren´t they?
Well okay thanks. We stay tuned for the steps on how to dissolve those “illusion”. Thanks.
Oh wow this is HUGE! 🙂