Foundational universal patterns have changed. Don’t expect the same principles as yesterday, to apply today. Continue reading →
They Will Never Forsake Us
Indigenous people know that by giving an ill and ailing person a new name, the individual can become healthy again. Continue reading →
The Silver Solar System Chakra (Pluto)
If the Earth activates her silver chakra, then some species that have become extinct, will return (such as the missing song birds species). Continue reading →
Reptilian Astrology
The brief (2021) chat with the Seer that I alluded to, in the recent post about fallen angels. The clarification question was asked today. Continue reading →
What Tools Have We Neglected to Use?
Gratefully and with faith, using the holy tools we have been given, opens the way for more to be revealed to us. Continue reading →
How the Hologram Is Formed
Wheel #17 indicates that the hologram is formed through the implementation of seven illusions: Continue reading →