An Important Message From The Seer
My Dearest Ones, this message is important, because if we can understand what’s going on during these trying times affecting everyone globally, then it’s easier to gain the necessary eternal perspective to help us see them through.
You have a great advantage over everyone on Earth, in that no one else has as much metaphysical knowledge about the massive cyclical journey of the cosmos, as you do. Without understanding that we have gone over the edge of its tube-toral journey and that we are being propelled into a new cycle of life (also called the Blue Road Home), we would be ignorant as to why there is currently so much fear.
(Also see the Premier Webinars, the final sequence of lectures by The Seer, designed to prepare us for the descent of light and unraveling of human society.)
Here are insights based on concepts our Lightfamily members are familiar with:
- During the previous cycle of the Red Road of expansion, life increased in complexity. During the contraction cycle of the Blue Road home, life will simplify itself. The pandemic has been a very dramatic forced change to simplify life on Earth.
- Each of the cycles mentioned, goes through four stages — each with its respective challenges. We have recently been completing the fourth stage of the previous cycle. The challenge of this stage of the previous cycle is guilt and subsequent shame. Many have succumbed to this tragedy, but it can be said that the underlying cause has been that they died of shame. This deeply mystical cause of death is not easily evident, but even those why survived, had flashbacks of embarrassing folly in their lives.
- We are entering the first stage of a new cycle during the month of February. The challenge of this first of four stages, is fear. Be aware of this and counter it through gratitude.
Though much is taken, much abides.
Ulysses by Lord Alfred Tennyson
Find genuine heartfelt gratitude for at least one thing every day, so that gratitude may replace fear of lack and fear of survival.
The Seer

The Insight
During the night, I had a vision of life on Earth many millions of years ago. I was astonished to find a civilization so advanced that it made ours look primitive by comparison. They had ingenuous air travel, computers, electricity and plumbing, as well as a substitute for automobile travel. Then they were wiped out by an asteroid strike that tilted the Earth and flattened their skyscrapers and apartment blocks in their cities. What they were experiencing was the cosmic transition from the Red Road to the Blue One. What did they do wrong? What does humanity have to learn to survive these mass extinctions? Is the demise and rebirth of the cosmos an inevitable part of life? Death and rebirth is inevitable only when the same mistakes are repeated and lessons are unlearnt.
The solution lies in the presence among man of the Original Ones. The godbeings on Earth can by proxy shift the perspective of humanity by shifting their own (Sacred government through Self-government).
Instead of needing to go through painful forced change, we can gracefully transcend (to rise above) the ways of the old obsolete, complex material life (transformation) by gaining the necessary insights and living them. Putting the ways of the Blue Road into practice so that we may be empowered by aligning with the forces of Divine Intent.
Elegantly Shedding the Complexity
- The Blue Road is propelled by the movement created by elegantly shedding the complexity we create in order to increase our comfort and give importance to aspects of our existence. Simplify your life.
- Create abundant flow in your life by contributing to others, to your family, to your neighbors, to your community. Work for the privilege of it, whether you’re getting monetary remuneration for it or not. Volunteers are needed to purify the density of fear with compassionate service.
- Trust that your mission amongst humanity has the power to lessen the trials and tribulations of unlearnt karma. Trust that you are writing the future by living gloriously today. Make a personal decision that you will contribute at least one thing each day to leave your home or environment a little better than how you found it.
- Replace your reliance and dependence on material tools, with self-sufficiency and increased skills and learning.
Beloved Ones, the collective karma of humanity has guiltlessly brought us to this time of reckoning. Do not allow yourself to stumble and fall into guilt, fear and despair. Find something praiseworthy in each day. Give praise generously to others and give acknowledgement to yourself of personal achievements.
With love and deep respect,
The Seer Almine
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Thank you so much for this message Almine and Rogier. This post was nostalgic. Reminded me of listening to one of Almines late teachings or a retreat with her. So grateful for you all and for life. May we continue to live impeccably. We came here to experience challenge and to transform through it. May we navigate we poise and grace. Deep love to you all. Almine we miss you. Rogier we thank you.
Rogier I’ve been waiting on new post 😭
Beautiful xxx 🌺
Thank you so much Dearest Almine Your messages are such a blessing and wonderful teachings to me . Your words are genuine and I feel gratitude to you . Much Love to You ❤️
Thank you Almine! In particular I love the message to simplify our lives, to be of service and to express gratitude. Thank you Rogier for posting.
This is so revelatory in many ways!
I am so grateful for this essential insight🙏🏻Thank you deeply, Beloved Almine💙🌹
Where were the Original Ones at that time, and how can we learn from what happened then?
Thank you so much for this and for thinking of us. We are so grateful. So much love to you and the team 💕
Thank you, Beloved Almine for this vital message.
Thank you for staying this time around, my most sacred light family!. XO!!!
Thank you, Almine!
Much gratitude for sharing these insights. 🌟 Deep appreciation for our work. 🙏 Difficulty is a choice. Choosing love, praise, gratitude and trust. ❤️
Such a wonderful message!! Thank you Almine. Thanks Rogier for posting. Ever so grateful for these wonderful and timely messages from Almine. All residing in perfect harmony with Infinite Oneness.
Thank you dearest Almine for this loving guide for living day to day.