Here’s an overview of the protected messages on this website, including partially hidden content (with the most recent post first).
- Gender Benders: Transgender Identity & Inner Androgyny
- Use Raw Propolis
- You Have No Idea to What Degree Bankers Control the World (Part 2)
- You Have No Idea to What Degree Bankers Control the World
- We Have to Find a Happy Thought
- Becoming a Holy Master of the White Light (2/2)
- Becoming a Holy Master of the White Light (1/2)
- The Requirement for Being a Master
- Living the Life of a Master
- Totally Dedicated
- Alien Frequencies / Interdimensional Warfare (Morgellons)
- The First Powersigil to Influence Inner Space
- The Steps to Create a Protected Space
- The Ceremony to Remove Repressive Matrices (First Look✨)
- We Have to Let Them Go
- The Luciferian Hosts : A Primer
- Mars Fairy
- Adam’s Transgression
- To Remove All Repressive Matrices
- Big Wheels
- Digital Gulags
- Above 40,000 Ft
- Secrets of Africa
- Eight Types of Unknown Viruses
- Space-Time Rift: The 5G Assault on the Awareness Particle
- Disrupted Destiny
- The Attack on the Human Race
- Mixed Signals
- A New Mission Statement
- Bravavish Nusarechspi
- The Sun Flare Scrambled the Microchips
- Original Ones News (Sept. 2021)
- They Have Woven Sixteen Layers of Illusion
- Less Harmful
- 1666 & The Fourth Reich
- Depopulation Agendas
- Snow in Brazil
- What We Should Be Doing to Stop This Pandemic
- A Time of Divisiveness Will Come by Design
- The Mirrored World of Man Will Have to Reduce Its Numbers
- Viruses Frozen in Ice
- The Desire by Some to Control Man’s Emotions
- Their Ludicrous Attempts Must Fail
- Conjuring Truth
- Blood Clots
- Trump’s Disclosure
- The Powersigil to Protect Against the Invasion of Nanotechnology
- The Future Changed Today
- The Sigil to Stem the Damage of Vaccinations
- COVID-21
- The COVID Vaccine Agenda
- Sigils Against Nanotech
- The Key to Avoiding The Nanotechnology Invasion
- A Virus: The First Testing
- Nazi Antarctica
- Sacred Government Vs Secret Government
- COVID-19 for World Government
- Another Pandemic Flare-Up?
- The Demise of the Secret Government
- AI Domination Is Not in the New Future
- The Shadow Pyramid
- Who is the Secret Government?
- To Bring America to Its Knees
- The COVID-19 Scapegoat
- Man Still Travels Its Destructive Path
- These Invasive Things Were Foreseen
- The Destructuring of Materialism
- You Are Too Advanced to Let Humans Fill You With Fear
- Are You Still in Seclusion?
- When Cosmic Benefit Seems Like Hardship
- The Two Things That Will Make You Immune
- Will Life Return to Normal?
- This Judgmental Resistance to Preparedness
- Trust Yourself (Man Was on a Collision Course With Destiny)
- What is a Holy Sanctuary?
- The Dream Symbolism of a Virus
- Playing With Fire (Coronavirus)
- The Origin of Coronavirus