Guard well the innocence of your heart and mind, for, once lost, it cannot be retrieved again. Continue reading →
The 99 Pure Tones of Innocence
With permission from The Seer we bring you the long lost 99 Pure Tones of Innocence for the Three Days of Silence and beyond. Continue reading →
Thoughts on Innocence & Adventure
Adventure is where you are, not just where you are going. It is above all the discovery of the self. Continue reading →
You Are Transmuting Your Environment
If our environment is not in harmony with the holiness we’ve created in our homes, leaving the house, is like running not a wall of density Continue reading →
Eliminating the Necessity of Painful Opposition
The moment is a gateway through which life pours like a neverending river. This is the philosophy embraced by a godbeing who becomes an explorer of life. Continue reading →
A Gateway Through Which Life Pours
With delight and in the humble acknowledgement of the unknowableness of life, like a child, may we become explorers of life. ~The Seer Almine Continue reading →