… the familiar lightening bolt through my body experience I have had several times, is occurring this day. Is it preparing me for a deeper bliss?
The Seer:
You are transmuting your environment. If our environment is not in harmony with the holiness we’ve created in our homes, leaving the house is like running into a wall of density. Especially if it’s a place where there are others, like a town, for instance. The shields with the light explosions help to carry your sanctuary with you as you go into public, as does the Holy Sanctuary oil I have prepared for you.
Thank you Almine. I’m really struggling with this at the moment.. and was going to put up a post on Explorers about it asking if anyone had suggestions for guarding your space.. I pick up on everything and finding it very challenging to handle, emotionally and it’s taking a toll physically too and exacerbated with difficulty sleeping. Even when I’m in my own beautiful space, I still feel it but I asked You about it this morning and heard back that I should do the explosions several times a day. Maybe a healing oil might help me too. Is there anything else you suggest that might help? Thank you so much for being here. Xxx Joanne