While sitting or lying over the sigil of protection I made for you as my Christmas gift, do your light explosion protocol once or twice a day Continue reading →
Angelic Trumpet (A New Cycle of Life Has Begun)
These trumpets that indicate that a new cycle of life has begun are referenced in the Bible in the Book of Revelation. Continue reading →
Light Explosions for Groups
How can we best protect groups such as our families with the mental evocation light explosion protocol? Do we just list their names at the start of the session, when instructing the Angelgods? Continue reading →
The Best Way to Cope With Extreme Cold and Heat
Don't oppose the weather. Envision and intend that the cold, or heat moves through you. Continue reading →
He who oversees legions to bring child abuse perpetrators to immediate exposure and justice. Continue reading →
It Helps to Keep My Focus
Peering into and understanding the secrets of the universe is my gift and my passion. Continue reading →