Instead of the interrupting visions that have kept me awake at night, I am waking up in the morning refreshed and with effortless knowing instead. Continue reading →
Show Notes [Episode #4]
Shallow or disrupted sleep produces superficial and shallow living. Shallowness of living increases the tendency towards a materialistic society. Continue reading →
Peace of Mind Will Follow
When a life is organized, peace of mind will follow. Continue reading →
Re: The Global Sleeplessness Epidemic (The Way of the Goddess #4)
Shallow or disrupted sleep produces superficial and shallow living. Shallowness of living increases the tendency towards a materialistic society. Continue reading →
The Gift of Deep Sleep
Sleep deprivation is on the rise. Once the natural and regenerative gift of man, it is now becoming a rare and prized commodity. Continue reading →
How the Godbeings Among Men Can Change the Future to a Peaceful One
The Earth’s future timeline has become a nightmare because of blows of solar flare energy that have bombarded her. Continue reading →