Some background for the message below, received this morning from the Seer:
- God Merkaba
- Uret-Perastu
- Assembling Reality
- The Planet Needs to Have Its Fields Strengthened
- Why is the Magnetic Field Thinning?
We’re asked to repurpose the upcoming lightfamily gathering (on Sunday, March 31st) towards shifting the Earth’s assemblage point. Therefore, the upcoming Sacred Essences protocol may have to be postponed until April, but we can definitely prepare for the gathering with the 12 Meridians Kit. What will be required now is similar to the 2023 Summer Solstice Ceremony (for the fields of the Earth), and obviously we need to consider how to incorporate the Merkaba for the Earth more systematically into our lives.
The Seer:
For many years, since my advent here on Earth, life has had a nightmarish quality for me that I’ve been trying to understand. As I received the powersigil of protection that I made for my Lightfamily last Christmas, the explanation of the nightmarish quality finally became clear.
I had wanted to find out what perils may lie ahead that I wanted to protect my Lightfamily against, and I realized that the future had some appallingly nightmarish events that the Original Ones had specifically come to Earth to prevent.
If the future is like a nightmare that the godbeings have to prevent, the place to start is to understand what a nightmare really is:
We have explained various assemblage point positions located on the outer surface of the luminous cocoon that surrounds the body. Another assemblage point to be aware of, is its location during peaceful sleep. The assemblage point moves to the left (still on the outer surface of the luminous cocoon; about an arms length behind the heart). If, however, the assemblage point moves inward, into the luminous cocoon, a nightmare (a distorted dream provoking distorted emotions like fear, anger pain, and protectiveness) results. What causes the inward position of the assemblage point, creating a nightmarish perspective of life, is a shock to the brain.
These ‘jolts’, or injuries to the brain can come from forceps used during birth, blows to the head (as soccer players or boxers experience), or slapping a child on the head as punishment by an adult, etc. This description of what causes a nightmarish life is for an individual, but it also applies to the Earth and effects its future timeline.
During the sixties, there was a sun flare so large, that it would have destroyed the planet had her merkabic fields not been quickened beyond the speed of light to protect her (a technique used by Native American shamans at the battle of Wounded Knee to make them impervious to bullets).
The Earth’s future timeline has become a nightmare because of blows of solar flare energy that have bombarded her. The key to changing a nightmarish future is to move the Earth’s assemblage point (done by proxy by the Holy Ones) back out to the exterior of her luminous cocoon, her lightbody fields. The two very advanced Merkaba activations of the god Merkaba and of the resurrection Merkaba, can do that.*
Wow. Another insight that quite honestly stuns me in regards to how massive a part we play on earth. This message speaks very deeply to me and answers a lot of questions I’ve been stuck on since 2022… and perhaps helps to explain why most of the things in my reality are becoming increasingly a shock to my system, feels like I’m being smacked around on a daily basis no
Matter what I’m engaged in. Thank you for this light… I hope I’ve understood it correctly, and I hope to be an effective proxy for earth, it would Make no real sense to me otherwise if our challenges weren’t to help this much bigger picture for all life forms here. 🙏🏻 LPGST&H
Thank you dear Almine 💕
Thank you very much for your insights, as always. In love, Wim
Great image Rogier. 😇
Thank you Beloved.
Standing by for the group ceremony.
Starting the process of a higher reality on every level I presume.
Woah……all cold water talks in some groups Almine followers online I was aware of everyone mentioning cold water therapy… shocking the system.
My point is the symbolism I noticed was that people were being shocked, at least that was how it felt on another level to Me re .brain..
I agree with all that has been posted by Rogier from Almine .
Deeply greatful for this pertinent information .
My son now 21, in the programme/dream he was forceps delivery…
Can I include him in the God Merkaba separately
Cool. Let’s do it.