When a kingdom is burdened with ghosts, it ties up energy and the entire kingdom lowers in consciousness. Continue reading →
The Earth Is a Nursery Planet
The Earth is a nursery planet; a genetic library that houses the undeveloped version (the animals) of all primary species in our galaxy. Continue reading →
The Most Effective Way to Heal Your Pet
Are pet ailments something they take on for – or mirror back to – their people? And if so, how do we prevent this? Continue reading →
Averushanta : The Blue People Have Returned
During the time before the sinking of Lemuria, the blue-skinned people were one of the races of the Earth. They became extinct with the sinking of Lemuria. Continue reading →
Controlling the Inner Child
We received a question for you about the symbolism of spaying pets? (Considering that animals represent the inner child…) Continue reading →
Pet Vaccine Detox
The Kriyavaspata Pet Vaccine Detox protocol was commissioned from the Seer specifically for the rabies stab, but applies to any and all such injections. Continue reading →