Coming November, 2024:
Kriyavaspata Daily Maintenance Protocol
The Seer shares a little known fact about the love humans have for animals:
The star-beings have told the Seer that on planet Earth, humanity (the primary specie) is the only primary specie that has a loving relationship with animals. On other planets the primary specie usually kills off all other species that compete for food sources, or that could harm them. (It is very much the norm that primary species on other planets are vegetarian or vegan.)
Star beings are amazed that large animals like horses and cows, that could kill humans if they wished to, are instead in loyal and friendly relationships with their owners.
The Seer:
The Earth is a nursery planet; a genetic library that houses the undeveloped version (the animals) of all primary species in our galaxy. This unique caretaking relationship that humans have (or should have) is programmed into their DNA, in order to prevent them from wiping out lesser species that hold the information for the DNA of cosmic races. If cosmic cataclysms or interstellar wars should wipe out a star-race, their evolution can begin again from the genetic material kept in one of the animal species on Earth.
This is so wonderful and beautiful to hear! Since I have recently embarked on a project to try and help the multitude of cats just on our street, I have been asking besides some obvious reasons, why I was guided and inspired to do this? It is not new to see so many abandoned animals everywhere. Financially, it is not something I can do alone, and it is not easy to maintain. Yet, so much of humanity do not care. As if it’s the cats (or the animal’s) problem, they created. They didn’t abandon or neglect themselves. Though, I’m sure many have chosen to run away because they weren’t being properly taken care of.
I guess the deeper questions are, why is there such an epidemic of this, and why do so many look the other way? If it is programmed in our dna to care, for a greater purpose, why I am seeing so much neglect and ignoring the cries for help. Most of us here know cats are one of the two seers of the animal kingdom, and also represent magic. They show you temporal affairs that need to be addressed or looked at. I’ve been pondering this for the last year having 12 to 17 street cats just a few feet away from us. Yes, I know this is not just me and what I need to look at because this is on every other block, in every other neighborhood, in every city and country. It is something that humanity and we are not seeing or turning a blind eye to.
I’m very thankful for this post and it feels very appropriate and perfect timing, to give me some understanding and some insight as to where this prompting came from to help take care of the animals. Of course, I’m a cat lover and animal lover in general like many of us, but the deeper question is why have so many let this take place and why do most continue to ignore it? The funny thing that I noticed is that it used to there was an abundance of dogs running around on the street, and yes, they are still dogs on the street but the cats have multiplied exponentially! In any case again, I have gratitude for this post, thank you Almine and Rogier. If anything, it gives me even more motivation and inspiration to pursue this project, even if I can help a little bit for a little while. Love, praise and gratitude. 💜🙏
Oh yes, that makes perfect sense. Thank you for this keen revelation. It makes so much sense!
I’d love to know more about the star-race that cats are genetically linked to! I feel so connected to them.
This is such wonderful and deeply heartwarming information.
Once again, thank you Beloved Almine for
this beautiful truth about our unique Earth💙
I am so very glad I am on earth at this time . Receiving this information from Almine resonates with my heart. And makes sense of my innate understanding of nurseries on various planets . Caretakers we are .
This is such wonderful information that the animal species on Earth can help Star Races begin anew.
That’s incomprehensible to me! Earth without animals would be like life without music.