We received a question for you about the symbolism of spaying pets? (Considering that animals represent the inner child…)
The Seer:
The symbolism of spaying animals is controlling the inner child and limiting its self-expression.
Does this just affect spayed pet owners, or does this – because spaying pets is a matter of course in the west – reflect a general state of affairs of the inhibited and limited inner child?
The Seer:
It reflects both.
Is there any sense, as a kind of proxy magic, to get a sigil that reverses this damage?
The Seer:
Previous: Pet Vaccine Detox
Ciara Young says
So fascinating. I've thought about this subject to immense depth, as if you have male cats in particular, there is really no option but to neuter them if they'll be allowed free roam outside, as there are simply not enough safe and loving homes for all the millions of kittens that get produced otherwise (not to mention they roam and fight and badly injure each other, and so much more).
And cats kept locked are miserable and severely compromised in a different way! So it's a tossup between limiting them in one way, or limiting them in another way – caught between a rock and hard place.
And then observing people who refuse to neuter their pets, there is typically an air of irresponsibility and lack of regard for the impact on a wider ecosystem and other people about them, also a less than ideal expression.
Yet clearly any kind of medical alternation of an animal and messing up their natural instincts is not the ultimate answer and only one of a choice of multiple evils. There seems no "right" way about this in many situations given current planetary circumstances, which has led me to surmise that the entire situation is representative of the general state of affairs among humanity as well as the less than optimal expression of the animal kingdom itself (as in the Animal Natures info we have received from our Beloved), and reflecting a whole web of complex mixed up stuff.
Fascinating about the proxy magic aspect. All of our cats (male) are neutered, I made the decision this was just the right thing to do given all the factors, and yet I've observed through holding it the way that I do, none of them appear to be hampered in their expression as a result. They frolic just like my own Inner Child does and have a whole sense of boundless freedom about them. This has further made me wonder that perhaps the distortion is a mirror for humanity only, and it's a different situation for Original Ones living their Godhood and their furry friends.
Barbara Kathryn says
We too have noticed that our neutered toms are as nutty as kitts and very psychic. Garfy must be around 13 now. It's his younger sidekick who keeps him so spritely though. We 'discussed' the whole issue with this one beforehand, and administered homeopathic arnica and Dr. Bach's Rescue drops. As we would for any op'. Our daughter did the same for the russet glowing one a couple of years before he joined us here.
In any case it's no longer legal to keep un-neutered cats, although the farms keep a female to produce a succession of mousers. A stray male always finds her 'somehow' in February, n'est ce pas ? But any unneeded kits are drowned, leaving just one…
Ciara Young says
Same with the homeopathy and Rescue Remedy dear Barbara! Indeed, the idea of leaving the babies to be drowned by many who do that, or simply live a life of hunger and suffering……
Derek says
And we are surprised that OO's have manifested aliens neutering them with vaccines? It comes from the arrogance of thinking you know what's best! Ultimately only perfection under the appearance. We'll learn our lessons one way or another.
Derek says
Don't see much difference between "own'en" human slaves or "own'en" pets. The way slavery is portrayed in the movies has an absolute agenda behind it. Most who have actually acquired enough "perceived wealth" to actually be able to afford a slave treat their perceived property very well. A pet is not your familiar or a true ally unless it chooses to stay around you on its own accord. If you think that pet is yours and you own it, and are taking preventative steps to keep it from wandering off Well then go figure.
MaeMae says
Wow. Again this seems synced up to me. I have a golden retriever as pictured and recently decided against spaying her. Also, she is due for her Rabies tomorrow and we just received the sigil for that. Blessings, Almine. Thank you
Dhani says
Oh my goodness! Thank you for this information. Always regretted any kind of curtailing of the animal's natural growth progression
Derek says
Q: What would you call a puppy surrounded by a sound system?
A: A sub-woofer.