Any cosmic or planetary changes we are privileged to participate in, will usually issue a number of signs in the environment preceding an undeniable revelation. Continue reading →
The Metaphysical Meaning of the Rise of the Divine Feminine
As is the case with women throughout the world, his dominance over her has dimmed her glorious luminosity as a representative of the Holy Mother. Continue reading →
A Message From The Departed Ones From The Salem Witch Trials
Today is the very auspicious day of the rising of the feminine for the planet and all creatures. Continue reading →
The Rise of the Divine Feminine
The standard of beauty of a representative of the Divine Feminine: regardless of age or size or shape, the inner beauty becomes outer beauty when it is expressed, unabashed and regardless of others’ opinion. Continue reading →
Integrated Responsibility
The example set by a people that have survived for millennia, tells us that it’s important that responsibilities are shared and that everyone does what they can. Continue reading →
She Is the High Priestess of Initiations
How would the male gender fare if he is jerked around by monthly hormone fluctuations, menstrual cramps, and the emotional and physical ravages of giving birth? Continue reading →