Introduction by The Seer
Today is the very auspicious day of the rising of the feminine for the planet and all creatures. The groundless persecution of thousands of women and children worldwide during the witch burning trials of years gone by caused a tear in the etheric body of the earth, manifesting likewise at a soul level in both men and women – but felt particularly in women.
The etheric body of the earth is her higher self, or the soul realms, to where departed souls transition to after death. The damage sustained by everyone’s inner feminine, can therefore not be healed unless the trauma of the witch burnings and atrocities committed against so many is addressed.
Because it is uncomfortable to look at the cruel barbarism man is capable of, even the name witch burnings is slanted towards the fact that grandmothers and little children and housewives healing headaches and other innocents continue to be called ‘witches’ and all that it denotes.
The prejudicial injuries therefore continue against parts of the divine feminine that remain an elusive mystery. Because it is the nature of the masculine to define, analyze, and label, the feminine mystique remains a source of suspicion and discomfort. Once accentuated, this masculine suspicion of the mystery of the feminine remains to a smaller measure hidden under a veneer of civilized reasoning. In households everywhere, her exuberance is suppressed and controlled.
A Message From The Departed Victims of Witch Burnings
‘My name is Henrietta Cornelia Bradworth. I am one of the first victims of the witch burnings in the new world. My crime was to successfully treat young Henry Bradworth’s festering boil on his leg with poultices. He died with me.’
‘Although there is no time where I now abide, such so-called tragedy is carried forward as a genetic memory for seven generations, and our progeny still suffers. My lineage was carried on after my death and that of my son by fire, through my beautiful daughter Susanna Hermanson.’
‘My parents originally came from the English countryside of Nottinghamshire. They wanted to escape a life of rogues and vagabonds wandering the foul-smelling streets of the city. I was but a child when we arrived in what is now known as Plymouth. I wish that I could have held my daughter through the travail when she birthed her first child.’
‘Long have those and others like myself pondered the meaning of life and the dichotomy of good and bad. It is so that the earth’s fields will be healed when this tragedy is properly understood and the opposites of good and bad join in forgiveness and are integrated into a union. We have come to believe that they are simply separated by a matter of perspective.’
‘There is a hill outside the town where I lived with Mr. Bradworth, called ‘The Hogshead.’ I used to go there to find solace from what at that time I saw as the pettiness and jealousy of my neighbours. The smallness of their lives seemed to vanish if I broadened my gaze over the large vista below.’
‘The concept of bad exists because our vision is too narrow and we see only the heartache. But life is eternal and cannot be quelled. And all things work together for good for those who love life. Thus, do not live as I did, in fear and conformity: it did not stand me in good stead.’
‘To my daughter and her children, I would have said from the perspective I now have: live unafraid. Do not allow others’ judgments of your actions to dictate your course. Remember, that which seems bad, becomes good when you broaden your vision and expand your mind. Life is too precious to waste, and although time is eternal, moments are not. Live them fully, from the depth of your inner knowing.’
‘Women have always been misunderstood, whether chained up in chastity belts in their castles or struggling to tend to their children in the poverty of a peasant’s hut. To them, my words are thus: take joy in your duties. It changes them from drudgery to poetry. Sing your songs to the meadows and comfort your husband by the balm of your forgiveness, that your own soul may not be poisoned by bitterness and resentment. Be aware that he too chafes under the burdens of expectations that have sought to extinguish his flames of tenderness and gentleness. Find the artistry of his soul, that by seeing it, you might help bring it forth.’
‘Mr. Bradworth silenced his desire to protect me and our son, and for the sake of our other children, stood stoically during the trial that was a travesty of justice and the terrified screams of our little boy. This too is great strength of character. I see it now.’
‘Fear not the condemnation of self judging men. For, their desire to control all that is magical, mystical, and good stems too from the fear of the unknown. The wounds that we speak of in the fields of the feminine must be healed by our daughters today, as they throw off the yoke of trying to live up to the erroneous teachings of their ancestors and the expectations of those around them.’
‘Let your feet be fleet and free, as you run through meadow flowers. Let your hair flow freely upon the wind, and your song sound gaily over the dell. It is a holy calling to be a woman. Do not let bitterness or pain marr this sacred responsibility. It is your destiny to create heaven on earth wherever you may be. We thank you and remind you that decisions in the present change events in the past, and that time is not linear but flows like a wagon wheel behind the plow of the fields in which you sow the events of today.’
‘Remember. Remember. Remember…’
Thank you Almine. This is so touching! And WE all see a new evolution of attitude, a women rise to their Divine Potential. Thank you for being a bright feminine star among us! We Rise!
Tears flow from the immense gratitude to all those who came before and for you Divine Mother for receiving their message.
With utter love, thank you.
I have been feeling all day how special it was to receive the messages yesterday from Henrietta. Thank you, dear sister for sharing your story, and insights. I already feel the change inside me as I was joyfully doing laundry today. I would like to make clear, you of course, were a victim of the witch hunt, and my use of the term, witch in my post was not intended to condemn you further. I apologize dear sister. My connotation toward the term was not ill- intended, but was a mistake to use. Your courage, and ability to inspire healing is truly remarkable. I am so grateful to you for your willingness to share.
Beautiful and moving š
Oh my goodness! Such wisdom , so clearly thought out remains high above all else. Thank you dear lady for reaching out to us at this time. May you find peace at last.
We did gather for our Zoom session this day and experienced Spirit clearings of old matrices. May peace come to all in the wake of this healing song of the Earth’s Soul sister.
Im truly struggling with integrating the full message of this post because I just feel super triggered, to a level I cant explain. Maybe its worse because I have little boys or that Im absolutely terrified of fire, I just think its absolutely horrible and cannot understand the good in it. I cannot feel it. I will continue to try and understand it. Thank you for the messages reguardless ā¤ļø.
Today was quite remarkable with the synchronicity of these posts. I have been at a Festival Of Love today and a fellow Lightworker was wearing a hoodie with Salem Massachusetts emblazoned on the front. She had just come back from a 5 week trip to the US and had spent a week in Salem. She is a medium. After discussing her trip and what she had seen, I went to have lunch and browsed the latest posts here on the OO site. It seemed like the transmission from Dearest Henrietta had just been posted. Upon reading it I immediately went back to my colleague and showed her Henrietta’s message. How wonderful and timely!
Thank You Beloved for these messages and Thank You Henrietta for Your lesson in Divine compassion. We Hear You. Be at Peace.
Thank you, Rogier for posting this. Your reply earlier today under the Self- Sovereignty post was an important reminder for an invitation to show support. I appreciate your transparency over the past few days, and agree there are no sides to choose, as the only side is retaining the purity of Almineās teachings.
It seems like there might be an crusade- type movement in regards to going forward with continuing to present Almineās teachings regardless of her wishes. It feels like some of the concern might be in part ( I could be mistaken) that some of her teachings have been intermingled with presentation of religiosity or undertones of religion that were not originally included in the material, and being presented in a way that she was dictating it. I appreciate the fact that it was time for this to come to light as someone that was not exposed in depth to some of her teachings from many, many years ago.
The messages from the witches today was so valuable and also serves as a reminder of how religiosity and egoic mind can corrupt and distort even the most precious of potential realities when given full reign. My hope and my wish, and glad expectations are a resolution of this situation. That Almineās teachings are shared as are intended, to be pure and a blessing to everyone that encounters them. I appreciate your presence and devotion, and I am with you, Almine and the board in your decisions.
Just to gain more clarity:
I am a direct descendant of Salem, MA
My grandmother was Sarah Cloyse and my aunt was Rebecca Nurse of Salem. They did not burn the victims accused of witchcraft- they were hung. This is common knowledgeā¦
Hey Edward, The witch hunts also included drownings and being thrown from cliffs. There are many ways to eliminate the Divine Feminine, so it may seem.
No, Iām just saying in New England victims accused of being witches were hung , not burned alive. They did not want to spill blood , they did not do burnings.
New England , Salem, MA, were witch hangings. Itās important to note if we are going to take this seriously.
Having known torture in the past, Iām well aware and fully determined in this life to
overcome all of it and to assist many other
women and girls to do the same.
It is you Presence Beloved Almine that
stays with me every moment and I have moved
through and beyond it all and lovingly work
with othersāØšš
I concur Beautiful Kathleen.
How incredible ..
Impeccable Timing….
Deeply Moved,…
The clouds earlier this evening parted today and revealed a witch to Me in the sky..
I also got strange smells it may have been burning ..
My deep Gratitude
This is a powerful message that resonated tremendously and evoked tears from the depth of my being. My Cherokee Great-grandmother aka Black-Eyed Granny Skates died in an asylum after many years of living there, where she faced continual abuse and neglect. She was placed there by her husband and a group of male doctors for refusing to stop practicing as a Shaman. Her alleged crime was practicing medicine without a license and refusal to denounce her heritage of being a powerful and wise healer and also refusal to take a Christian name.
Gratitude for giving us this message. May we heal this trauma and atrocity through living each moment in full expression of authenticity through our Song of Self. May we heed the words of dear Henrietta Cornelia Bradworth in deepest reverence and remembrance of her testimony given to us by our Beloved Almine.
Thank you Rogier for your dedication in every publication gifted to us on behalf of our Holy Mother.
Very moving.