What's the metaphysical symbolism of eye strain?
The Seer:
You are looking at a disproportionate amount of negative events. Find something each day that inspires you.
Does that include internal 'events', for example, focusing on limitation?
The Seer:
Yes. Most certainly.
We increase what we focus on. When we focus on lack, we become impoverished. When we focus on the confusion and the dysfunction of others around us, our environment becomes chaotic.
When we replace focusing on the negativity of others with a focus on their contribution and achievement, we become inspired.
Ciara Young says
Thank you so much for this amazing reminder, this makes so much sense! I've been so stressed out with the behaviour of others in my environment recently that my eyesight seems to have got worse. So easy to forget this when something is really challenging, it improved instantly again on reading this and shifting perspective.
Bas Waaijer says
This is exactly what I've been experiencing as of late.
This is such a gift. Thank you
Dhani says
Great interdimensional pic!