144 Inner Senses
I have become so sensitive to the smallest thing in my environment, the smallest little things touch and move me… like just placing my little bar of vegan butter into a mini ceramic pot makes me so happy that I start crying with deep appreciation and gratitude. Why has such hyper-appreciation become my experience?
The Seer:
Several reasons, for example:
- You are very often functioning from your inner space. (To experience outer space we have seven senses. To experience life from inner space, we have 144 senses). It offers a much more refined experience of accessing life; much more sensitive.
- When we have silenced the dialog of the mind, previous suppressed tears of sadness becomes transmuted and released as tears of joy.
672 Inner Senses
From: Book of Runes
There are seven outer senses that have a physical response to the outer world:
- Smell (the sense of Oneness that never fell into duality)
- Taste
- Sight
- Hearing
- Touch
- The visceral response of the organs (i.e. pain in the heart, tightening of the stomach)
- The automatic response of the skin (i.e. hair standing on end, goose bumps and chills though skin is untouched)
For every external sense there are 96 internal senses that can be described as feelings – inner ripples that stir us. Each rune represents one of these internal senses, and in living them as part of our daily life, we evolve consciousness to its fullest capacity. The significance of the runes as representatives of our inner senses is that their guidance therefore comes from within. They are unique in that they are a tool of self-guidance and a self-empowering system.
144/672 Inner Senses
You’ve spoken of 144 inner senses, but also 672 inner senses?
The Seer:
Are there 672 inner senses or 144? The answer is, ‘both’. As usual, the answer superficially may seem contradictory, but let me explain:
Although one’s inner space may seem empty like a void, it is a tapestry of delicate nuances of frequency. But to make my point, let’s compare it to a void.
If one finds oneself in a void of space, movement becomes meaningless unless one creates one’s own four directions by imagining the length of one’s own body (the only measuring device one has in a void) extending left, right, up and down; or front, back, up and down. Having done that, one can then rotate along these imaginary four directions and, at least, create directional movement.
The first four rune decks create the four directions (144 inner senses) within inner space. Each one of the 144 qualities these 144 runes represent, activate a respective Self Wheel quality and create a basic inner space infrastructure to start to interact with your inner space.
Once you’ve mastered the interaction of the initial 144 inner senses, you can refine your inner space experience by exploring the remainder of the 672 inner senses.
Seer’s Note:
We’ve travelled our mystical journey together and mastered interacting with our outer environment for years. Mastering the inner senses, is a personal quest, unique to each individual — referred to as the school of the gods. Enjoy this amazing self exploration. There is no quest more worthwhile than the quest to understand the self. It is truly a completely unexplored country.
P.s. When my mystical travels first attempted to go beyond the boundaries of existing space. I retreated with panic attacks the first few times. It’s not for the faint-hearted. Many Toltec Naguals got stuck in the membrane that contains space, during such attempts to leave the confines of space. Very scary! I spent much time in 1999 freeing them. One can’t leave the matrix as long as you have any belief systems.
Yes, it is quite wonderful. Deepest gratitude for opening up this Inner Space for us dear Almine!! Like anything else new that we explore, small steps at the beginning until you get used to how it works. It’s really wonderful actually and adds so many dimensions to life as we come to know it.
I am so glad for this. This is great!
This is fabulous! Thank you! LPGSTH 🙏😍