Now is the time for the inner magic, for the inner mystical feminine within men and women to awaken.
The Seer
Although the original ceremony was from 2016, this is the first time it will be performed in a powerful collective setting, with new powersigils, and with the Insights That Purify the Menerech — the angelic shield that separates the Middle World, our world, from the Ascension Realms and Underworld.
This ceremony was upgraded in 2025, but features the Seer’s original guidance from 2016. Please check the notes below so as to eliminate potential points of confusion.
Place the powerstack behind your navel when laying down, and underneath the base of the spine, when seated. We’ll start with Rogier reading the 24 Insights That Purify the Menerech, and then proceed with the Seer’s original instruction. (This means that the three new powersigils, at the bottom of your stack, will not be mentioned by her.)
Bottom to top:
- Powersigil for the Ascension of Frequency
- Powersigil to Strengthen the Menerech
- Powersigil to Transmute the Horrors of the Middle Ages
- Powerwheel for Resurrection Into the Realm of Magic
- Wheel to Facilitate the Integrated Coordination and Cooperation Between Inner and Outer Space
- Equation for Establishing a Peaceful Earthly Home for All Mankind (starting with the first page on top)
Ceremony Notes
- The three new powersigils are an upgrade to the original ceremony version, and so these are not mentioned in the Seer’s original recording in 2016. (If you didn’t get the upgrade, you can use the original stack.)
- Back then, only 8, and not 12, Fields of Existence were known.
- For this ceremony it’s helpful, though not critical, to be at least somewhat familiar with the Alchemical Potencies of Light, notably these posts: Now You Must Know of the Potencies of Light, Alchemy of Light & The Origin of the Resistance To Life and Living the Alchemical Potencies of Light.
- The Seer speaks of the masculine and feminine polyhedrons. Please don’t stress about exactly visualizing these forms. We ultimately concluded it may not be possible to represent these exactly with 3D math, but this is how she describes each, “a sphere consisting of eighteen octahedrons (8 sided shapes) — it looks a bit like a soccer ball.”
- The High Heart is the acupressure point located three finger widths below the hollow at the base of the neck. It serves as a bridge between inner and outer space.
- The Menerech sigil itself is not part of this ceremony.
Hi Rogier, can you number the sigels powerstack please if you can as its easier to follow..No.1 to 10 highest number at the bottom and lowest number on top still not clear others also confused re. Powerstack.
You can’t place the items according to the sequence given? If we add numbers the confusion would persist, because then the question becomes, is #1 at the bottom or the top? Just because the numbering logic is obvious to you, doesn’t mean it would be to others. Not to mention that Almine typically describes the stack in the way as given: start with this, then on top of that place this, etc. This is also consistent with how most people assemble the stack. They start with the one at the bottom, and then place the next componennt on top of that.
Dear Rogier. Thank you for the beautiful work you continue to do. May I suggest the confusion might have arisen due to the information in the brackets; it seems superfluous to me. The instructions “From bottom to top:” are clear.
This.Is.It. Something that has not been expressed in either eons or never before?
Hi Rogier, Thankyou for this in depth post. So is the equation for establishing a# peaceful earthly home going on top ? ( at the risk of sounding dumb)