Selected from: The Thought that Fractured the Infinite (2010)
Now you must know of the potencies of light; 300 there are in each of the three primary colors of red, yellow and blue. Each has 300 nuances; depth of color if you wish to describe it thus. The fracturing of light, though it occurred through contraction, has brought about this depth of knowledge. It would not have been possible to convey to my children how to utilize the properties of light if light had not separated and revealed its magnificence at the dawn of individuated life.
The separation of light into its three primary colors of red – which expands, yellow – which holds the boundaries and blue – which contracts, is this day changed:
- Yellow’s old program of keeping rigid boundaries is changed. It will provide balance, stability and contentment. Memories of having to attack anything that threatens the status quo need to be removed. It represents the frequency of praise. This has to be cleared of impurities as well. All memories of praise being used to manipulate, being used with an agenda, or praising only that which is done rather than praise for being, must be cleared.
- Red’s memories that it had caused the fracturing to occur and brought about duress by asking contradictory questions, needs to be healed. Also, it must be healed of the feeling that there is a price to pay for its expansion because it causes blue to contract. The frequency of red is gratitude. The pattern that gratitude can only be for what we get or achieve, rather than for what we have, must be cleared.
- Blue has memories of victimhood, of being plunged into captivity of the dream-state by red. It therefore does not trust red’s expansion and contracts when red tries to expand. Its emotion is love, but love cannot exist in the absence of trust and in the presence of fear. Let this be cleared this day.
Let all three colors be cleared of the memory that there is a need for aggression to defend their function.
There is instability when these three primary colors are separated:
- The masculine pole of the yellow should be joined to the feminine pole of the red, making orange.
- The feminine pole of the yellow should be joined to the masculine part of the blue, making green.
- The masculine pole of the red should be joined to the feminine of the blue, making purple.
- Then all are joined into a field to make white light. This information is necessary in order to properly wield the potencies of light.
- The plant kingdom has the ability to turn light into chlorophyll and utilize its potency in a life-giving way. The first level of alchemy of light I shall give you uses plants as an interface.
Alexandra Murray says
Does this have anything to do with the new neutral field of creation that is about to be put into place?
Vanessa says
Thankyou Almine and Rogier for posting this incredible information
Deeply Grateful 💖🦋🌈
Ciara says
I wonder about the deeper significance of revisiting this in the context of dissolution of the illusion of the rainbow.
Joanne Harding says
This is so beautiful. I feel it changing me xx Thank you Rogier and Almine. 🌺 Joanne
Dhani Nallainathan says
So, if this happened in 2010, then what is the relevance now?
Dhani Nallainathan says
Oh okay, just read the post re: Neural Field. Thanks.
Dhani Nallainathan says
WOW!!! This is sooooo in sync with what happened during our Zoom meeting past Saturday – May 21st. Sooo amazing!