The Cosmic Law That Decrees That to Give Is to Receive (Part 3)
The repetitions of lifetimes have as their purpose the gathering of insights / perception. Perception potentially yields power and can be regarded as latent power. As the perception (latent power) builds from these lifetimes of gathering perception, it reaches a critical mass and releases this latent power to the alternator (circle 3).
The Value of Separation Through Value Judgment
The alternator is an individual's surface mind and its tool 'intelligence'. Intelligence's task is to value judge and choose between two aspects of one whole, thereby separating the poles into two opposite poles (circle 3).
Seer's Note:
Intelegere means to choose.
Polarity is one of the primary power sources of the universe. Moving energy back and forth between the poles in an attempt to equalize that which is not equal — the innate search for sameness — it turns the latent power of perception into usable power, for the physical life of the individual powering its life and death cycles (back to circle 1) with the energy it provides.
Seer's Note:
If we fail to get the perception of our interactions with others, they steal our energy instead of giving us energy.
Susan Tjernlund says
I really contemplated this metaphor for awhile, and the previous few posts, and see that life as consciousness is on a mental-spiritual plane and the fuel or energy for the engine that powers and moves us is the conscious mind and it's got a constant stream of thoughts made up of super conscious, conscious/rational and subconscious thoughts…all different grades of fuel that give us different results. We can take a disempowering thought that makes us feel negative, cold-hearted, angry, sad, hurt, and if we work to alchemize it by giving and applying the truth, it can turn into a warm-hearted, compassionate empowering and energizing thought, turning the low vibration latent power due to lack of seeing and denial, into a higher perspective when we release the heavy burden of negative thoughts to receive great usable power, equalizing and unifying what was inequal and separate from wholeness. We must give high quality gas to our engine to receive the most go power. Anyway, I really appreciated these posts Almine! I don't know if I could be corrected, but we definitely are "machines" housing our light body's.
Dhani says
Interesting image choices Rogier. 😎 Very enigmatic.
Dhani says
Right on. This is very enlightening. Gratitude!
Mac says
Thanks for this post! Very glad to be made aware of the second note here — on getting the perception of our interactions lest our energy be lost.