I keep having experiences with Original Ones where they seem to turn on me at a certain point. I give them all that they ask for and more. I offer whatever they wish and go above and beyond. I don’t understand why it is that they suddenly turn on me with such judgment and arrogance. And they don’t see it that way at all.
The Seer:
What you describe could in part be due to the following: Some of the Original Ones have succumbed to the increased chaos and degeneracy of humanity.
They have begun to doubt their own divinity and the ability of these sacred tools to support them and their families. That means their level of consciousness has declined, whereas you have taken advantage of the opportunity to use this time of no retreat gatherings, for a deeper study of the mysteries and have applied teachings to your daily life. Your consciousness has risen, putting your frequency into a higher reality and theirs into a lower. That means they are in a mirrored world vis a vis your reality. Mirrors invert images, making them back to front, which in metaphysics is a source of opposition. This is a very real tribulation for masters living in human families; the family members become very hostile and could even form little alliances within the family that exclude the master.
Unfortunately, many (in fact, most) of the long-standing students never developed beyond the codependency stage (into the stage of interdependency) tendencies, because through lack of surrendered trust, they still want to control outcome. As you may recall, a codependent
relationship goes through three stages. (What you’re describing is a person in the third stage — which always ends explosively.)
- First stage of a codependent relationship: This is called the courtship stage: in which both parties give the best they’ve got to the relationship
- Second stage: One or both parties try to control the other to conform to their respective sets of expectations.
- Third stage: If one or both parties struggle to break free from the noose of expectations, the other party sees it as a form of “betrayal of trust”, and a relationship breakup occurs. Make sure that you aren’t having expectations of the other person involved, so that you can stop attracting such uncomfortable relationships.
Dave ᛈᛁᚾᛖ says
Wow! Deeply appreciate gritty posts like this one. I’ve struggled with dynamic a number of times with humans, but feel like the noose of expectations I’ve held over others in general has dropped away… some steep learning curves this past year that is for sure. Grateful for the vast and dynamic mix of OO’s 🙏🏻♥️
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you for the reminder re: having expectations of others and expectations of the moment. This is an area I need to remember everyday.
Anonymous says
Something about the entire ‘keep on giving’ part feels off. It feels to make more sense that one keeps continiously re-evaluating a relationship to see if both parties want to maintain a relationship, if its worth it and/or if both parties gain.
My personal experience is that there’s people supporting another with answers, guidance etcetera, and then after a time they expect to see results. If they don’t they almost start adopting this motherly form where they feel compelled to point out the wrongs in another. This is a conditional form of support. Just like its difficult to know yourself, its even tougher to know another. Expecting another, especially one at lower consciousness than yourself, to somehow do what you would’ve done is unreasonable. You can never know the degree of limitation that have been bestowed upon them in terms of design and if it is fair to expect them to do one thing or another.
Again, to me it only makes sense to gracefully flow the course of life and see where one is needed unconditionally. And when your sense a relationship is no longer benefitting one or both, to break it off.
Another Anonymous says
I completely agree with you. Such a good point.
In other cases – something I’ve seen amidst the OO’s to some extent – is the misleading of one party. They say one thing and yet don’t back it up with actions or follow-through. It’s almost or very deceptive, depending on the instance. And some of these examples are actual OO teachers or longstanding students of Almine’s. But these OOs don’t see this issue of integrity in themselves. Almine has referred to these OOs as ‘deluded ones.’
Anonymous says
I have experienced the same. I have often wondered if Almine was aware and supported certain practices and this post and comments have answered a question I’ve pondered for some time.
Another Anonymous says
And it’s not just the misleading / deception, it’s the astonishing unkindness, arrogance, and/or diminishing proclamations (they give unsolicited) that these very self-proclaimed OOs have toward others.
OOs have actually come to me in tears from experiences with a number of arrogant OOs who behave like this. How is such unkindness toward anyone masterful?
V says
It seems as though a lot of times people turn in silence. They ghost. They never respond or contact again. I haven’t been sure how to respond to these situations with grace, while also expressing that I find the behavior unacceptable. There is so much room for giving the benefit of the doubt when left with silence, but that also feels dysfunctional. Mostly with humans.
Dhani says
So it is lack of TRUST just as I thought.
Thank you for sharing these insights. It is a great reminder.
Dhani says
Well just to continue the story line here. As a master develops further the family members also soften and shift their perspective. It’s a new reality as the masters assemblage point shifts and this is reflected in the master’s environment.
Sarah says
What about in a family unit where there has to be expectations as to what is appropriate and what is not appropriate behaviour to display for the until as a whole? That ends up explosive too, but then the two options are to either be passive about it – which is accepting the unacceptable – or dividing the family unit apart, which comes with its own consequences with how the world is looking currently. Im not talking about humans either, Im talking about original ones who are making progess, but are still exhibiting patterns and behaviours that are harmful when acted out. How do you deal with somebody who is seemingly flip flopping in and out of consciousness, when there needs to be expectations for the sake of others involved.