“The quadrants through which the cosmos rotates on its journey around the cosmic cycle, are dominated by the tyrannical dark beings who try to manipulate man into submission. It is the master’s privilege to eliminate these unholy dominions and restore peace and graceful change to the cosmic journey.” ~The Seer
Does this mean that the “unholy dominions” are born of our judgment of others?
The Seer:
The cosmic tyrannical quadrants are the result of four fundamental flaws of individuated material life. Value judgments of others is one of them.
So the Original Ones’ quadrant is technically tyrannical also, correct?
The Seer:
It is not tyrannical in that it seeks to control and exploit humanity, but it is tyrannical in its expectations of lesser beings (like humanity) expressing at a higher level than they are capable. When they don’t, they try and save or condemn. They are antisocial and judgmental and sometimes self-important.
“The cosmic tyrannical quadrants are the result of four fundamental flaws of individuated material life. Value judgments of others is one of them.”
If I try to guess what the other three are I could be quite off the mark. i hope you will ask Almine, as the insight connector is each ‘flaw’ is where the wisdom and hoped-for learning is. And possible remedy.
…’the insight connected to’ each of the four flaws…is where the possible remedy is. Readjustment of the Self to the reality of our true Nature.
If Earth and humanity remain billions of years in each quadrant, and are in this present one for only a few more years…the heat’s on !
Very helpful insight in this post. Thank you Almine and Rogier.
you mention one important flaw among four.. could you please point out the remaining three flaws to be worked on?
“four fundamental flaws of individuated material life.” greedy for insights I’d be grateful for the other three remaining flaws.
This image seems to be pretty desolate.