The Seer has asked that the following question be posted for her Lightfamily, because it provides the insight that should accompany the upcoming Uret-Perastu safety device.*
Magical spells and devices focus intent but require an accompanying insight to provide the power source.
The Seer
You once said, during one of the Newport retreats, that madness cannot be understood, nor reasoned with; that it drains energy to do so, and that losing energy lowers consciousness. Why do I tend to attract some notably neurotic people into my environment?
The Seer:
You have misunderstood the concept of living an examined life. The concept of learning through the folly of others, has also been misconstrued.
Being acutely aware of your own motivations and the origin of your decisions upon which the choices of your actions are based, is a masterful quality. Trying to understand what motivates others is as futile as trying to map out the dark side of the moon.
To one like yourself who has spent years refining and evolving the way you live your life, others who react erratically to their chaotic environment, could be construed as being mad.
The more you try and analyze others, turning into everybody’s counselor, the more you attract madness into your life. Live a self-examined life, without expectations of others. Cultivate self-sufficiency in all areas of your life, shun dependency and the inclination to manipulate others into what you regard as sane responses.
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Благодарю вас, Альмин, Роджер. Это очень ценный опыт и как всегда вовремя!!! Люблю всем сердцем!,🥰❤️🙏
This makes me chuckle a bit as I applied to graduate school for psychology today.
Thank you, Almine.
Good point. Thank you for sharing these very valuable experiences Rogier. It is most enlightening.