And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Is the creation of planet Earth (Tiamat), as an inhabitable planet (perhaps as described in Genesis), something that Original Ones would’ve witnessed or been present for?
The Seer:
Yes, they were able to witness it, but they had at the point of the creation of Earth, only individuated as separate consciousness. After the Earth was formed, they were given form. After they left the Infinite’s presence (because of lack of gratitude) they received denser form.*
*See: The First Big Bang / The Fall
Fascinating! So the Earth’s form is actually older than ours.
Was there something specific that we were not grateful for or was it that we wanted more of something?
Oh no…..lack of gratitude….yikes!