What will happen with Israel (in the coming time)? Is there anything you can say about the outcome? Or is it all too much in flux?
The Seer:
The difference between a Seer and a psychic:
- A psychic sees what is and the immediate future or past
- A seer sees the big picture of eventual outcome based on currents of potential
The downside of the way a psychic sees, is that what is seen in the moment has already changed by tomorrow. The unfortunate outcome of taking the momentary truth the psychic accesses as fact, is that it perpetuates expected outcomes; it prevents the future from evolving.
The downside of the way a Seer sees is that although he or she can see eventual probable outcome, the steps to get to that outcome is unclear — especially since the outcome is not written in stone, but is just a likelihood. For instance:
In 2005 I wrote the following prophecy about Israel in my personal journal:
“Twenty and seven years will the conflict rage until the desert is strewn with the remnants of war machines. Allies will stand forth and enemies will falter but the hostilities rage on and many will suffer atrocities at the hands of their fellow man, fueled by prejudice and hate.”
There’s a further piece concerning this, written in 1997:
“You want peace? Oh beleaguered one, despised and scattered you have been among the nations. Then make haste and cease the grievous hidden persecution of your enemies that share your land. For karma follows in your footsteps and this will surely end in war if you do not release the hatred born of pain that you carry in your hearts.”
Seer’s Note:
A few days ago, the day the war began, the following occurred:
A quite alarming and unprecedented conflict arose in my home amongst my family. I could feel by its intensity that it was archetypal in nature. Eventual peace was restored, but I soon realized that many of the gods and goddesses were experiencing the same.
By proxy we had changed the prophecies I had previously written in my journal. (The conflict would now be resolved much sooner, especially if the Godbeings get rid of all racialism and hatred and prejudice in their hearts.) In addition, I received the following message:
“The attack on the innocent from above, is a much less damaging outcome than had been initially intended. It was intended that a bomb would annihilate a large part of the holy city (Jerusalem).”
Therefore, Beloved Ones, know the power of your Godhood amongst humanity, and through proxy magic govern the Earth. No matter the outcome of individual battles, a thousand years from now, Israel will still stand.
Remember the law of the universe:
That which is denied its right to exist, is strengthened.
Jerusalem, holy city???
I never got a chance to go there,buut Is there a place in this city or the whole that is holy?
What or who is Holy?
Seer Almine, you asked yourself the same question when you received the ‘ Holy Sacrament of the Gods ‘s revelations?
Is that city, Jerusalem, built by the tyrans after numerous clashes, wars, conflicts between brothers and sisters living in the same land holy? Is this city or this country has already got rid of all its karmas, its atrocities against its own neighbors to be classified or considered as holy?
Overall, I always feel embarrassed and sometimes pertubated to see the way people are dying specially the innocent ones, the children,and so., but I have never seen this sense of emergency, support, concerns, when for instance they are dying in the other side,
I have never seen seen this sense of emergency, support, and concerns when people are dying in the countries of Africa, in the he Caribbean countries where I came from. People are targeted and killed by their skin color, their culture; their lands spoiled and their natural resources pilled by the tyrans.
Is the response proportional to the attack that is not coming from the neighbors country s rival.? Ref previous post. Is it created more imbalances,more karmas?
When numerous villages, tribes , cities disappeared during the war in Iraq, when about a
half of millions of people died in my home country Haiti one decade ago seemingly by a malefic earthquake provoked by the tyrants, and so and so what is happening currently or recently in Niger, Congo, Ethiopia in Africa, I never seen the the whole world including the God beings on Earth standing up the same way they are doing it for Israel.
It seems that this country is the only one or tribe that exists in the whole solar system.
Of course,no one should die like that, but what s the root or the cause of the conflict? Why it has never resolved? Why have always the innocent, the civilians died , not the leaders in each country who have played games with their own citizens.
All the leaders are tyrants They are allied.,friends, relatives of the same blood line, are our works just empowered them? We have been doing this, we have been called to that, the outcomes of the conflicts may be more grateful, but what next, the same unreal
remain in power they continue to create the same horrible reality.wow?
Dear Joel, we did it for Africa and many other locations on Earth and for our planet in the past as well. I remember many times Almine told us to do Kannish for these places. I did it for Iran last year and doing so for Israel this year. Where ever in the planet human are being killed and such a low frequency and consciousness is and comes to our face or to our doors we do Kaanish, or some ceremonies to send blessings. Although we don’t really need to do so as long as we are focusing on peace within and creating a living a wholesome life we are contributing to peace. This time there are OOs living in Israel or from Israel so it is like knocking our door and to me this means action requires. We always participate if one of OOs ask for blessings of belvaspata or a ceremony for their country or family. Its okay … I think middle east have contract to pay the karma of the whole world and their message is clear: what happens there telling the world to open their heart and step down to their heart and learn to have compassion. Or many telling us to have peace within and get along with everyone around us. let it be and allow everyone to express. I thought you should know that we did for Africa and other places too. I agree with you that the government of Israel is corrupt like all the other government and the people are innocence and we love them. For them and this planet we are here.
WOW! What an amazing message. I was told by a someone with quite a bit of vision for a human that this particular conflict will not go on for years and years. Lovely and very uplifting message Almine. Divine timing indeed.
Yep….what I was thinking as well. Thank you for this very insightful message.
Thank you Almine for this perfectly timed message. I too have been seeing conflict within my so called family and realised the importance of not judging and just allowing things to play out. It seems to me that any situation in our life is not just personal, but very often, archetypical. Joanne 🌸