Does Archangel Michael have a new name?✶
The Seer:
Erasvanus — the One who lights the path.
Why did Michael’s function change? Does he remember his previous function? Is there some connection between his current and previous function?
The Seer:
He doesn’t remember.
The Seer:
Michael’s functions have changed as follows through the ages:
- The protector: Mika-el
- The one who removes obstacles: Ephrimvael
- The one who illuminates the way: Erasvanus
What all three functions have in common:
They represent the evolving way for physical beings to best cope with the challenges of material life.
The three evolving stages of coping with physical challenges:
- Physical beings evolve beyond protectiveness by realizing that we strengthen what we oppose and we attract that which we fear.
- Unless we gain the insights that obstacles are supposed to bring us they will keep reappearing in slightly different ways.†
- The most evolved way of dealing with the challenges in our environment, is to recognize what inner dysfunction caused them, and to change outer circumstances by changing within.
✶See: Archangel Michael Has a Completely Different Function
†See: The Nine Steps of Recapitulation as given in the book Journey to the heart of God
This is truly wonderful!! Gratitude1
Oh this is cool! He doesn’t remember who he was before..like us. 😉 So we will need to change his name in Belvaspata to Angelgod Erasvanus.
Thank you for the update. 🙏❤️
Thankyou Christina, I was about to ask too
Thank You Almine for your nuggets of Gold!
His progression, akin to our own, is enlightening. To ponder again… and again.
He is ever an Archangel, not an Angel God? What is the difference in function?
Thank you Almine, Erasvanud and Rogier 💛
Beautiful inside!
I was just wondering this the other day. Thank you for the insights beloved Almine and Rogier. Archangel Michael has always had a special place in my heart ♥️