Your work and the strength to do it, is life’s gift to you. The excellence with which you do it, is your gift to life. Continue reading →
Life Can Change in a Moment
It is arrogant folly to think we can assume that tomorrow will be like today. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Continue reading →
It Inevitably Produces Success
It truly is evident that when one lives one’s passion, it blesses all around one and inevitably produces success. Continue reading →
Cease to Strive and Know That All Is Well
Trust that your unfolding journey is unfolding according to the perfection of the will of the Infinite and allow through trust, for its majestic glory to unfold. Continue reading →
The Hall of Records
I have visited the Hall of Records and written into my agreement with life-unfolding that if assistance is asked of me with faith, that it shall be given. Continue reading →
Archangel Michael Has a New Name
Physical beings evolve beyond protectiveness by realizing that we strengthen what we oppose and we attract that which we fear. Continue reading →