How does the journey on the Red Road correlate with the masterful expression of the Self Wheels?
The Seer:
The Self Wheels are the individual’s way of getting to know his or her inner space. The ability to manifest externally what we are within, is strengthened during this first phase of our journey of expansion (the Red Road).
Seer’s Note:
The primary difference between the novice and a master, is that a novice manifests outcomes haphazardly, and the master’s knowledge of universal laws, coupled with focused intent, manifests intended outcomes deliberately.
Mastering Deliberate and Controlled Outcome
The Seer:
- The first step in mastering deliberate and controlled outcome, is to get to know oneself and become familiar with one’s inner space.
- The second step is to know that what you imagine you become.
- The third step is to create silent time of solitude in order to know yourself.
Meditate on the Self Wheel qualities; they are the notes in the symphony of inner space. Find and identify one quality that you wish to cultivate, that you find absent in your repertoire of expression. Then imagine yourself expressing that particular quality in your daily life. Repeat this imagining, this lucid daydream, as often as you can, until it truly feels as though you embody that quality.
The Seer
8/12 Self Wheels «Red Road Ceremony»
The downloads for the Red Road Ceremony (Saturday, August 12, 2023 @ 8 AM Pacific) are now available on our store 👉 click here. The ceremony will consist of enhanced versions of the Self Wheel protocols for self-knowledge and self-love. For maximum effect, both sets of 144 qualities should be internalized ahead of time. The ceremony recording will be available after the event.
Hi Rogier I would like to ask question regarding leaking of resources and energy that Seer Almine mentioned in association with the Self Wheels. She said that if we stop in the middle of a sequence without finishing it leaks resources and energy.
Prior hearing this I loved integrating the Self Wheels spontaneously, which ever one of the Self Wheels I felt like expressing, I would integrate. Since I became aware of integrating of the Self Wheels in the sequence, I felt less inclined to integrate them, but I really would like to release any misperception that I might have around the Self Wheels integration, since I really enjoy integrating it.
Almine said that the wheels should be integrated in segments or all together, but in this post, she is saying: “Meditate on the Self Wheel qualities; they are the notes in the symphony of inner space. Find and identify one quality that you wish to cultivate, that you find absent in your repertoire of expression.” I am wondering if it is ok, if we integrate any of the Self Wheels during the day.
Thank you
I am comparing the Self Wheels in the Book of Answers and it seems to be the same as the Self Wheels in Bel Vas Pata Colume 1. Is this correct Rogier?
Yes. There is one set of 144 wheels, and two sets of 144 qualities.
Thank you Rogier – are the qualities of the 144 Self Wheels in BVP Volume 1 the same as the first set of qualities that Almine mentioned?
The wheels have the same titles, so yes.
This is very helpful. Gratitude!
Wow… thank you for this XX Joanne 🌺