Could you please shed some light on the Canada wildfires and smoke situation? (Unsurprisingly, there are claims of it being man-made.)
The Seer:
From the Angelgod Michael:
“In the days of Noah, the Earth groaned under the wickedness of the people, and the skies took pity on her travail and bathed the Earth with water. So it is that the wickedness of man against man and the callousness of the hearts of humankind against one another, has reached a critical point of no return. The elements have conspired to once again cleanse the face of the Earth from the etheric pollution of humanity’s ill-begotten deeds. This time the Earth shall be bathed in fire and brimstone and day shall seem as night and the moon shall be bathed in blood.”
Seer’s Note:
I detect no man-made interference beyond the destruction of man-made structures as a result of spreading flames.
If Angelgod Michael’s pronouncement seems surprising to you, here’s a handful of related posts:
- The Sun Shall Set on Humanity
- The Times of the Gentiles Shall Come to a Close
- A Drought Unlike Any Recorded in History
- The Earth is Fighting Back
- Something I Never Thought I Would Hear!
- Re: The Future Human Hybrid Race
Sounds ominous and terrible if you ask me
What relationship if any does Angelgod Michael have to Ephrimvael?
I was totally thinking it could be man-made due to the timing of being close to our provincial elections. I just didn’t put it past potentially being government seeing everything else thats been going on. Good to know. Glad we got a ton of air filters in the house I guess 👍. Thank you for this information.
Why have we failed to create a shield of pearlescent light?
“For the trees step down the subtle and divine light and the love of the higher realms where the Angelgods dwell, and administer it to the planet. Within their trunks, they store this energy and release it into the soil as needed. May they be safe from fire and flooding and drought. May a shield of pearlescent light, created by the Gods among men, shield and shelter them.”
Mass confusion. Everything is in such a state of chaos and flux and it seems almost impossible currently to pinpoint when what beings will benefit what. It’s I know Almine sees all of these benefits but the TIMELINES are all over the place still, it appears.
Yes, that was my gut feeling as well. It is quite overcast and muggy in Toronto today. The Angel Gods of Earth Healing BVP are assisting in blowing the smoke out to Lake Ontarion and out to the ocean today. They have been at it since last night. There’s a lot of smoke and rain is on the forcast. We shall gather for our weekly Zoom Belvaspata please message me on the Explorer’s sit if you wish you join our gathering.
How does one join the zoom belvaspata?
Thank you
On the Diary is the recent Power Sigil for the Trees, where it says:
“For the trees step down the subtle and divine light and the love of the higher realms where the Angelgods dwell, and administer it to the planet. Within their trunks, they store this energy and release it into the soil as needed. May they be safe from fire and flooding and drought. May a shield of pearlescent light, created by the Gods among men, shield and shelter them.“
Sad that the Earth’s consciousness has been lowered to the extent that it is ‘cutting off its nose to spite its face’.
Awhile back she had successfully moved up through her second Resurrection… Perhaps with humanity on her back she hasn’t been able to maintain the momentum.
Her anger seems to be destroying her own best friends: the Trees. And OOs with homesteads in thos regions are caughing their lungs out.
My son called and said the smoke that engulfed New York city from Canada’s fires, as he described it, was orange and it felt apocaliptic…he is held within the blessing of the light explosions, the orange amber light he saw in his room and outside his window, cleanses the air, and purifies it to breathe. What will be will be. We trust.
I had recently gone to New York city and Brooklyn, to see him graduate, it was inevitable I go, and felt I had gone as a blessing for New York and my son and his lovely friends, it was a two day trip with it culminating in a very beautiful large miracle…with an Angelgod very present. My lesson was do not be afraid to engage with life when you are called to do so.
I still have HOPE for Humanity………The last 4 wheels of Hope given to us last last year is where I ‘m coming from. With humility and surrendered trust in the benevolence of LIFE!